
What are your experiences with coming out?

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I am 14 and I just told my mom tonight that I think I'm a L*****n (even though I know I am). She was totally cool with it, no matter what I am. I told her I wasn't really worried about her caring, because I knew she wouldn't mind, I was more worried about rules and restrictions. I found out that everything can be exactly the same. She doesn't even mind if I have a girl stay over with me (if I could ever get one, lol) Then she told me about when my brother was 16 he had 2 girls stay the night in his room and nothing happened, lol I was the cute little sister at the time, I was like 3 and the girls loved me.

Well anyway, I was wondering what some of your guys experiences were when you came out. Comments on mine are wlcome. : )




  1. I had pretty positive experiences, but I feel pretty lucky with that, knowing how different it is for other people.

    I never had to come out to my little sis, as she was the one I'd talked everything through with, but my mum asked a lot of questions about whether I was sure (I'm bi, so there was a bit of the whole 'are you sure you're not confused?' thing to get round) but then she just hugged me and told me she loved me.

    My dad's reaction was actually surprising. He more or less just said 'okay then' and made L*****n jokes. My older brother didn't really react (didn't really come out to him either, he saw a s**y girls picture on my desktop and asked me if I was a L*****n, and when I said I wasn't he said I must at least be bi, so I just went 'yep' and his response was just 'right.' and that was it). Other little brother and sister don't care. Never told the grandparents, though I suspect my gran knows because I've been pretty obvious at times around her.

    My other grandparents are both vicars that I don't see often so haven't had the chance to broach that subject yet...I figure I'll not mention it, unless I end up finding a woman to spend the rest of my life with, in which case I just think it'll be hilariously awkward. :-D

  2. So far I haven't had too many problems...lots of rumors at school from people who know nothing...

    I told a few close friends and i moved in with my cousin last summer and she was joking about me being g*y and when i finally told her  she was like can i honestly say that i knew i just told you that i didn't really think you were to prevent pressuring you about it.

    It has actually stopped her from joking as much about it

  3. I wish my dad was as cool.

    I mean, he hasn't said "No girls are ever allowed to stay over," but I think that's mainly because I haven't asked just yet. (There was only one friend that I had that ever spent the night, but we weren't together at all. And we're not friends anymore, so I haven't had any sleepovers.)

    He told me to my face that I'm not really g*y, that I'm confused and don't know what I want. But I live in Alabama, where homosexuality is still pretty taboo. It's sad really, because my dad has been very accepting of everything else in my life and this is really tearing me up inside, to tell you the truth.  

  4. ya mum sounds very cool and understanding.

    i told my olds when i was 18, they said they loved me regardless and accepted it. It took them some time to get used to the idea of there baby girl (and only girl of 4 kids, i have 3 older brothers!) being with chicks but i never had any issues with any of my immediate family and any other family members that have since found out have been fine with it as far as i know. But if they weren't my family and i wouldn't give a rats bum anyways :)

  5. I'm Bisexual, and i was too afraid of telling the rents. So they didn't have a clue, until they walked in on me and my girlfriend (at the time)!

    So the moral of the story is, once your comfortable with it, honesty it the best policy.


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