
What are your experiences with orbs?

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Once I was indoors taking a family picture and as I took it, something bright and round swooped around quickly between my family and the camera just as I took the photo. I saw it, and knew I'd have to take another photo. It got into the picture, too. But when I researched orbs, it was all about stuff appearing at night outdoors, showing up when the film is developed. Any ideas what I saw?




  1. Most of what people call orb's are just stuff reflecting light back at the lens from the flash.  I have a bright blue small light that shows up in my house a lot. Sound like what you saw.  I even got a picture of a similar one in another place.  Did yours look any thing like this---

  2. an orb is a spirit equaling a dead person

  3. as a child I was followed by orbs for 2 yrs after my mother died. People told me they must be fairies they didnt see them . as an adult I have seen orb pictures and thats what it was

  4. An orb is a mass of energy.

    It is most commonly seen as

    Dust, water, bugs, light reflections, swamp gas, ect.

    As for what you seen, if it come out on the picture you would have to post it.

    It could be anything from bug to ball of gas to a reflection of light.

  5. I have several pictures that have orbs show up in them. I've been taking some spiritual classes, with a friend of mine and the class believes they are spirits, that are here to watch over us. In some of them,  if they are digital, you can put them on the computer and enlarge them. We have a few, that it looks like there is a face in them when you enlarge them. I've have had them show up in the daytime, night time, indoors and outside.

  6. WoW..John Ss orb is pretty!! Yes, I've had those things pictures outside. One time though we took some pictures at Christmas inside this house where later we thought we had a ghost. Never thought anything about the pictures...there was a big white spot on some in one of the rooms. After we realized we might have a ghost...we wondered if that was him in the picture. Don't know what happened to the pictures...anyway they weren't digital so I couldn't send them. I think this little short man came and got in bed with me...and put his back to me..acted like he didn't see me. I just froze...and then moved out! Others think they saw his eye in the keyhole. Didn't tell each other..then one day one of them mentioned it..and the others said ,'You too???"  We were all glad to move out of there. I had to live there by myself for awhile.

  7. Indoors , its dust.  Orbs are no sign of paranormal activity. Just for the fact they can be created very easily.

    Mist or a form of light that can not be explained. Shadows of figures. Would be more believable.

  8. I had the same experience indoors too. We have a great video of an orb, which if you freeze frame it is a beautiful orb. There is no set connection with orbs to the outdoors or indoors, they are orbs no matter where they appear.

  9. Yes, you did see orbs. back in Nov. 2003, we had a small birthday party for my son, and, of course we took pictures, but, about 5 days after the party, my son's Grandfather passed away. When we got the photo's developed, there were SEVERAL orbs in the photo, and they were all surrounding the Grandfather. [Photo's were taken INDOORS]

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