
What are your fave quotes from Twilight?

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i want quotes from twilight but not the saga only the first book. please!

and thank you. =)




  1. 'Fall down again, Bella?" "No, Emmet. I punched a werewolf in the face."


    "Are you refering to the fact that you can't walk accross a flat, stable suface without finding something to trip on?"


  2. 'it hurts to breathe because i know every breath i take proves i can't live without you.'

    - isabella swan

  3. "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I'm not ashamed of it."

    -Edward, Twilight

    "Do I dazzle you?"


    -Edward & Bella, Twilight

  4. well, this quote is from new moon... i know its not twilight, but i dont really remember twilight (its hard for me to rememer the books separately because its like 1 big story to me) so her goes... when alice was in italy with bella she stole the yellow porsche and said "i might have to aquire one of these legally" haha

  5. one of my favorites is  "so the lion fell in love with the lamb..."  

  6. I'm not sure if this is from the first book or not, but my favorite quote is when Edward says:

    "I prefer brunettes."

    It made my day :)

  7. I really like these...

    "Do I dazzle you?" edward

    "Frequently" bella

    "I've walked among my kind- and yours, for a hundred years now, searching, but not knowing what I was searching for, and not findidng it, because you weren't alive yet." edward

    "What am I going to do with you? Yesterday I kiss you, and you attack me! Today you pass out on me!" edward

    "and so the lion fell in love with the lamb" edward

    "what a stupid lamb" bella

    "what a sick macsonistic lion" edward

    i think i spelt macsonistic wrong btw, sry

    hope this helps :D

  8. the bit from the blurb - "i was completely and irrevocably in love with him" - its SO sweeet!!!!!

  9. "Bella, you are utterly absurd," Edward

    It's hard finding someone using these words lol

    "I was wondering if, a week from saturday---you know,the day of the spring dance---"Edwaed

    "Are you trying to be funny?"Bella

    LOL that was hilarious.

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