
What are your favorit quotes???

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any quotes random

i just need some for a project

(best answer gets 10 points)




  1. Enjoy the little things in life, because someday you may look back and realize they were the big things.

    by Robert Brault

    This one I love:

    Hirer a teenager, while they still know everything.

    (I'm not sure who said it first.)

    In matters of principle, stand like a rock.  I'm matters of taste, swim with the current.  (Thomas Jefferson, I think or Thomas A. Edison)

    It's what you learn, after you know it all that counts.

    by John Wooden

  2. Here are my favourite quotes:


    Good luck finding what you need.

  3. "If this girl can give a soul to those who have lived without one, if she can create the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly, if she can strip them of their selfishness and lend them tears for sorrows that are not their own, she is worthy of all your adoration, worthy of the adoration of the world. This marriage is quite right. I did not think so at first, but I admit it now. The gods made Sibyl Vane for you. Without her you are incomplete."

    Just because I belive it is so true and I belive it is what everyone should be like,

  4. ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country,President Kennedy

    I have a dream from Martin Luther King JR

  5. life is like a book,

      author of which is u,

         writter is GOD,

    it is very small book

    this book can't be sold or borrowed,

    nobody can't be able to answer the questions, written in this book,

    some pages of this book are blank,

    once the page of this book had read,

    nobody can read this page again,

    only the writter can change the way of writtings

    at the end page of this book , there is a table of contents

    bibliography is soul

  6. Tommorws too late live today...

  7. My favorite quote is:

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


    A really good site to find quotes on is:

    Good luck with your project!

  8. Possunt, quia posse videntur,

    Carpe diem.

  9. You Tried Your Best And Failed Miserably. Lesson Is Never Try.

    -Homer Simpson

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