
What are your favorite bar games?

by  |  earlier

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In Spain I was taught a fairly simple game kind of like memory or pipeline, only your drunk. If you mess up, you take a shot. What kind of bar games do you like to play?




  1. Shuffleboard, billiards, darts ... pretty much in that order.

    Years ago friends of mine would play shuffleboard using shots and winging them down the table... whoever got closest to the edge without spilling it over got to drink all the shots. Ugh. Why "ugh?" I was always the designated driver longggg before the phrase "designated driver" was ever coined. Someone would always 'win' a little too much.

  2. billiards.

  3. I just like drinking, never really play any games.

  4. I like playing Cricket(Darts) at a bar or a*****e(card game) or Spades  if at home with friends

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