What's a neat, time-effective, money saving green tip you have? I already walk whenever practical, and used to bike until statistics made it overwhelmingly clear how many cyclists get hit in our area.
I usually rent, so changes to the house are impossible and impractical. I do stuff cracks, turn the heater/AC down, turn off lights, unplug things when I'm away for long, and use old clothing as rags instead of purchasing new rags. I also switch to the smallest fridge that meets the needs of the house. I've had bunches of roommates, so I use a big fridge when they're all around, or switch to the mini-fridge when it's only one or two. I'm interested in buying or building a small solar cooker to boil water with, preferably just in a window. We're too far north for a full solar cooker for food to pay for itself in a reasonable time frame.
Mostly I like to do things that are good for the environment AND myself. Give a little, take a little.