
What are your favorite quotes from movies?

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perfeearably musicals




  1. "You know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic."

    "If you can't be famous, be infamous."

    -- Chicago

    "Ah, Benson, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence."

    -- David Warner in Time Bandits

    "There's another stiff in the bathroom."

    -- Nine to Five

    "I'll be back"

    -- The Terminator

    "Does it come in black?"

    -- Batman Begins

    "We're gonna need a bigger boat."

    -- Jaws

  2. Allo.  My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.  - Mandy Patinkin in "The Princess Bride"

    "What do I want to be when I grow up?  YOUNG." - Sheila to Zack, "A Chorus Line"

    "So I dug right down to the bottom of my soul to see how an ice cream felt.  Yes I dug right down to the bottom of my soul and I tried to melt." - Diana, singing "Nothing" from "A Chorus Line"

  3. Sweeney Todd:

    Judge Turpin: We shall provide you with new lodgings. Until this moment I have spared the rod. But the ungrateful child has broken my heart. When you've learned to appreciate what you have done, perhaps we shall meet again. Until then, think on your sins.

    Sweeney Todd: I do. I'm Mr. Sweeney Todd from Fleet Street. I have opened a bottle of Pirelli's Elixir and I say to you, it is nothing but an errant fraud, concocted from p**s and ink. And furthermore, "Signor", I have serviced no kings, yet I wager that I can shave a cheek with ten times more dexterity than any street mountebank.

    Sweeney Todd: There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, / And the vermin of the world inhabit it, / And its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit, / And it goes by the name of London.

    Mrs. Lovett: Trust me, dearie, it's gonna take a lot more than ale to wash that taste out. Come with me; we'll get you a nice tumbler of gin, eh?

  4. we have got to save our show from someone who doesnt know the difference between a tony award and tony hawk  

                             -sharpay evans

  5. "Mind if I don't smoke?" Groucho Marx in Animal Crackers.

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