
What are your favorite things to do with your munchkin?

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I would have to say my fav thing to do with Gracee is cuddle with her while she watches cartoons.

others that come close are:

watching her laugh hysterically while I tickle her

chasing her on my hands and knees

watch her try to "read" her book

seeing her miss her mouth over and over as she tries to spoon feed herself!

ooo the memories....what are your favs???




  1. I love the quiet times, when my daughter falls asleep in my arms. I have a hard time putting her down for naps because I enjoy cuddling with her! I love watching her laugh at our dog. I have no idea what's so funny about him...all he has to do is look at her and she bursts into hysteria. I also love to take her places. She has always been curious and interested in her surroundings, and she loves seeing new faces everywhere as much as they love seeing her!  

  2. my favorite thing to do with my babe right now (he's 7 months) is to go to our mommy and baby gym class because he gets so excited when we get there and he sees all the other kids, we also play this game where he growls at me and slaps the couch like he is going to get me and he laughs hysterically when i act like he suprised me.   bath time is also fun because he likes it when i lay him back and let him float while i hold him he looks so cute just floating and smiling up at me

  3. Watching her fit and suck on two binkies at the same time.  o_O  It took her a while to figure out how to do that.

    Singing with her (not to her, WITH her, love her little voice)

    Listening to her and watching her talk and play to her babies or binkies.

    Snuggle her up close to me at night.

    Snuggle and rock.

    Getting baby glom kisses!  

    Having her bring me her Chocolate Bunny Book for "one more" read... you wouldn't expect a 9 month old to have a favorite book, but egads...

  4. My sonis 11 months and my favorite thing to do with him is cuddle! I love to hold him, squeeze him and kiss his hands and toes! He is the love of my life!

  5. With my oldest who is 3, My favourite thing would be to tell her "Mommy is hungry" then I pretend to eat her. She will laugh and try to run while I chase her. Its so cute!

    With my youngest he's only 6 months so it varies each day, but seeing his face light up when he see's his sister is priceless. He's so in love with her.

  6. My Fave is when she kicks her little legs in the bath tub I pretend to be getting wet and suprised Kayla gets all histerical and starts to laugh uncontrolably. When she is asleep in my arms it love that to, When i chase her around the house on my knees & when she plays with her keyboard if i play a song she trys to mimic what i just did. so cute

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