
What are your favorite things to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner?

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Breakfast I like pancakes. I don't have any favorites for lunch, but for dinner I always have this vege burger every two or three weeks from this one's really good.




  1. For breakfast i love cereal.  my favorites are total and kashi go lean.  I usually have a banana or a yogurt when i eat cereal.  I also like oatmeal and toast with peanut butter or fruit spread. and coffee!

    For lunch I like veggie burgers, veggie pitas, peanut butter and jelly, and sometimes turkey sandwiches with a lot of veggies on them.  (not a vegetarian but i don't eat a lot of meat)

    For Dinner I love salmon.  Pretty much anythnig that has anything to do with salmon is my favorite dinner.  

  2. Mac and Cheese, Mac and Cheese, and Mac and Cheese.

  3. I go through phases but I am addicted to the sandwiches from 7-11 for breakfast and lunch if in a hurry but I only eat one side of the bread and throw the other three pieces away

    Yum to veggie burgers esp w/ salsa on them

    Also, sushi for dinner esp eel roll and spicy tuna w/ philly roll

    I like this hormel pot roast thing because there is only 6grams of carbs and like no fat or anything it taste really good too  

  4. well for me its very important to have a well balanced meal so for breakfast i like having serial with toast and for i have a peace of fruit and a healthy sandwich and for dinner pizza and ice cream and fruit

  5. breakfast French toast, and egg,

    lunch Angel hair Pasta and Jumbo shrimp (fetuchine ok too)

    Dinner any light food will do  

  6. dinner pizza, i dont really eat lunch or breakfast.

  7. oh my gosh.....SAME!   lunch...i like grapes. lol   mm

  8. breakfast- cereal

    lunch- ravioli

    dinner- spaghetti  

  9. well I'm a ballerina and I have to be really skinny so I drink juice for breakfast and lunch I just drink juice and for dinner I have a salad I know it doesn't seem healthy well it probably isn't but what ever works right I'm 5''9' and 106 pounds yeah it's cool =^..^=

  10. Breakfast - fruit smoothie or a bagel "pizza", tea. Sometimes cereal with milk and fruit

    Lunch - Just about anything. My biggest meal for the day

    Dinner - Scotch rocks. I hardly eat dinner unless I am at home with the kids (whatever they are having), with company or at a meeting or something..

    But I eat a lot of fruit,nuts and/or trail mix on between meals. And lots of green tea and water

  11. breakfast...nothing

    lunch....some sort of wrap

    dinner....any kind of pasta

  12. Breakfast - This is like, my favorite meal, so practically everything! Pancakes, eggs, french toast, waffles, oatmeal, toast, ANYTHING!

    Lunch - Chicken fingers, any type of BBQ, and hoagies.

    Dinner - Spaghetti, chicken(again, ha ha), pasta salad, Dominoes pizza.

    Yeah, you can tell I like to eat!

  13. for breakfast, i generally prefer a meal, like sauteed eggplant or a veggie burger sans the bun. for lunch, i generally go to a local vegan restaurant and get a mediterranean salad or a vegan reuben. and for dinner lately, i've been making baked pesto stuffed mushrooms, and they are incredible.

  14. Pizza works well for all times of the day.

  15. I like having pancakes too!

    Lunch a salad

    boco burgers are good too!

    Baked potaotoes depends on my mood really

  16. My favorite breakfast is scrambled tofu topped with salsa, home fries and homemade seitan sausages.

    I don't have a favorite lunch or dinner; I like a lot of variety.  I eat a lot of Indian and Mexican food, though.

  17. Cereals are loaded with salt and sugar, so for breakfast it's usually porridge; noodles with various vegetables and miso; rice; some fruit or hash browns.

    For lunch I usually have a grain salad, like quinoa with lettuce and some fresh vegetables and tomatoes or something. Never sandwiches because I don't eat wheat. Sometimes I'll cook something for both lunch and dinner, like a big old vegetable chili or a curry.

    I've already covered what's usually for tea, but we might have noodles with veg if that wasn't for breakfast, or onion bhajis or some vegetable bake.

    We rarely eat dessert, but if we do, we'll cook some apple fritters or a crumble or something like that.

    All in all, we have oats, rice, quinoa, rhy, beans, lentils, nuts, legumes and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and rarely soya treats such as custard, yorhurt, mock bacon, mousse, milk etc.

  18. My favorite for breakfast has to be my mom's fried aggs, bacon, and fired potatoes with white gravy. mmmm

    For lunch, I love havin my mom's BLT sandwiches. drool

    and dinner i love Ihops grilled talapis dinner with mashed potatoes and my fav veggie okra,

    man now I'm hungry

  19. when pizza's on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime

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