
What are your favourite NON-religious charities?

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My boyfriend and I are starting a new tradition for our Valentines day. Instead of giving gifts to each other, we'd like to donate to a cause so long as it doesn't involve pushing or spreading religion. Can be for anything like environmental, human rights, animals etc.

What are your favourite charities/causes and why?




  1. Direct Relief International based in Santa Barbara, CA.

    They provide medical assistance to needy people internationally. They spend over 99% of their budget on actual program costs (less than 1% administrative overhead), according to Charity Navigator. They have no religious affiliation.

  2. My favorite charities are ones you get to see their faces with. If I were you, I would call the homeless shelter and explain what you are doing. Ask them the sizes of all the kids under 18 in the shelter. Then enjoy the day shopping for them and giving them each a brand new outfit. Don't forget to inculde a fresh pair of socks and underwear. Here are some great places to get kids/teens clothes:

    Gap (kids 10 and under)

    The Children's Place (kids 10 and under)




    You could try this Blessing in a Box thing. I did it once before. All you have to do is get an empty shoe box and fill it with either baby supplies, toys, or school supplies

    You could try feeding poor children and babies all over the world:

    You and your husband are great. We donate all year round and love the feeling.

  3. That's a marvelous idea.  Candy and flowers are soon discarded.

    Doctors Without Borders is mine.

  4. Unicef.

    Less red-tape, more money goes to the actual cause than to the people working the cause.


    PS: I think that's an awesome tradition to start. You guys are great.

  5. Demelza House Children's Hospice (They are wonderful, and so accepting of anything that you send them. I send boxes/packages of toys, books, arts/crafts/stickers/stuffed animals/baby clothes once a month, and 3 checks a year, Each time receiving wonderful letters from them, and even an email from the children, which I was REALLY Touched by.

    Here are some of their messages:

    On behalf of all the children, families and staff at Demelza House, I would like to thank you very much for your generous donation of $110.00 received today. Please be sure to pass on our thanks to everyone for their support. Thank You for everything you do to make such a vital difference in their lives.

    Dear Cathy,

    Once again I would like to say a very big thank you to everyone at the Sunshine Club for the lovely clothes that you have sent over. I took them over to the Care Team in the Hospice and they are delighted with them and would like to pass on their grateful thanks to you all.

    On behalf of everyone here at the Hospice I would also like to thank you for your very generous donation of $200.00. Would you also pass on our thanks to those involved, it is very much appreciated.

    And lastly, thank you once again for the stickers. They too have been sent over to the Hospice for the children to use.

    Hope you are all well and thank you for your support.

    Dear Cathy: We would like to offer our thanks for your recent gift of the selection of Harry Potter Party Items. Our visiting children and families pull all the times to good use by having a themed tea party on the launch day of the film Harry Potter and the Order of the phoenix. Great Fun was Had By All.

    I have been donating to them for 4 years now, and will continue all the days of my life. :)

  6. I like St. Jude Children's Hospital. Check it out if you don't know it, and you will see why.

  7. The Human Society in your community always needs donations of your time,money,things that they need.It really is worth while.

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