
What are your favourite books??

by Guest66895  |  earlier

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what are your favourite classic's?

(mine are alice in wonderland, all fairytales by hans christian anderson and the brothers grimm and peter pan)


(mine are the Twilight books)


(harry potter, twilight)


(maximum ride, spy high, alex rider, tomorrow when the war began, cherub)

just interested thanks!




  1. Classic: Gone with the wind

    Fantasy: Harry potter, Mr Norrell and Mr Strange

    Modern: Any anita shreve and jodi picoult

    not really into sci-fi but love crime thrillers like lee child and harlan coben.

  2. oh dear this is gonna open my bucket of worms lol let me see....

    what are your favourite classic's?

    alice in wonderland, all brothers grimm (same as you) the secret garden, of mice and men,


    the savage garden, the book thief, the boy in the striped pyjamas, 7 steps to eternity, go ask alice, fear and loathing, a certain age, the virgin suicides, the list goes on andon


    any Neil Gaiman, my all time favourite author, Philip Pullman, Trudi Canavan, Garth nix, harry potter, twilight, lemony snicket,


    the end of mr Y is an awesome book, time travel and such lol

    cool question


  3. Harry potter series

    Eragon series

    The Golden Compass series

  4. ahhhhh somehow my post didn't go through, so I will write it again! it went...

    Hey you! thanks for the email and the info on saturn... I added you to msn, so check!

    and about the question, yeah I only like reading classics and I just today finished reading Candide (omg it was so good you have to read it if you like philosophy witticisms satire and stuff and if you know your history around the french revolution times) and I loved it! My other fave is of course The Cather in the Rye

    My modern faves are Ellis' - Rules of Attraction and American Psycho (not the movies even though they were good too)

  5. Classics: Jane Austen (Pride and Predjudice; Emma)

                   Swiss Family Robinson

                   The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    Historical Fiction: Jordan Freeman was My Friend

                              Ann Rinaldi (A Brak With Charity; The Last Silk Dress; Finishing Becca)

                              The Adventures of Charlotte Doyle

    Guilty Pleasures:  Twilight Series

                               Once Upon A Marigold

    Authors: Tracie Peterson

                  Karen Kingsbury


                  Ann Rinaldi

  6. why is tomorrow when the war began with your sci-fi books?

    they're obviously not sci-fi.

    i like them too though.

    and i like lord of the flies, i'm not scared, catcher in the rye, twilight is also pretty good, but she should have stopped writing books after twilight, quit while she was ahead.

    and alice in wonderland is good too, but 'through the looking glass and what alice found there' is better.

  7. Classic - Janer Eyre by Chalotte Bronte and Lady Chatterley's Lover by D H Lawrence

    Modern - Anything by Stephen King, Mike Gayle and Alexander McCall Smith

    Fantasy - The Dark Tower by Stephen King and The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind

    Sci Fi - Not keen!

  8. The Wind in the Willows for question number one.

    Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and Harry Potter for number two.

    The Dragon Rider series by Ann Mcaffrey for number 3.

    The Robot Series by Isaac Asimov, and the Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury for four.

    And I will and the mystery category, Agatha Christie mysteries, Lillian Jackson Braun (The Cat Who mystery series)., and Dorothy Sayers (Lord Peter Wimsey).

  9. classics:

    > Hesse's Siddhartha, Steppenwolf and Demian

    > Dostoevsky's The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment

    > Orwell's ą(ūė

    > Bulgakov's Master and Margarita

    > Tolstoy's Anna Karenina

    > Poe

    > Borges

    modern - harder with this. I prefer books that are proven by time.

    > Irvin Yalom's novels

    > Harry Potter


    > Harry Potter

    sci-fi - I used to read MANY sci-fi books when I was young. But I don't remember any of them now. Just remember that I enjoyed Andromeda by Yefremov a lot, got it a week ago, waiting to reread it.

  10. classics: romeo & juliet, wuthering heights (because of bella)

    modern: twilight sagas

    fantasy: twilight sagas


    other vampire romance

    true crimes

  11. Romance: Malibu Summer

    Fantasy: Fablehaven

    Mystery: The Glass House People  

  12. Classic - secret garden

    modern - She's Come Undone or Jodi Picoult books

    fantasy - Twilight series

    sci-fi - host

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