
What are your feelings about the "New Yorker" Magazine Cover of Obama?

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"Obama campaign calls New Yorker cover offensive."

"(CNN) -- Sen. Barack Obama's campaign has sharply criticized The New Yorker magazine over the publication's latest cover illustration, which appears to portray the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and his wife as terrorist enemies of the United States."




  1. we have never had any sacred cows in this country...everyone in the public eye has been fair game for ridicule, satire, lampooning, call it what you will...if obama is going to be the president he better get used to being vilified and made fun of or he's gonna have a very long 4 (or 8) years...

  2. Barry needs to explain his 1981 visit to pakistan.

  3. "It's beyond me why Obama keeps getting this negative BS." - Blaven!

    First of all, that's one of the most hilarious statements I have read in a while. It's funny because it's actually serious and not sarcastic.

    Anyway, what the liberals don't understand is that The New Yorker is a liberal magazine. Why on Earth would a liberal magazine portray Obama in this light? They should be in love with him, right? The New Yorker thinks that conservatives see Obama this way and was trying to denounce that view of Obama. Personally, I thought the cover was pretty funny, because Obama does believe in some of those things portrayed in it. It's amusing to poke fun at them.

  4. It's satire!!!!!  ...... Stupid

    The New Yorker has been doing this for years.

    Mad Magazine has been doing this for years!

    The New Yorker has satirized every President and many presidential candidates for years. The only difference between those and the Obama cover is that he's black. So is there a new rule that you can't satirize anybody who's black? What is happening to this country that its lost its sense of humor.

  5. Has anybody ever 'got' a New Yorker cartoon joke?   The New Yorker cartoons have themselves been a source of humour in British satirical magazines over the years.  

    They are all drawn and written by people who seem to think that it is their painful duty to draw a 'humorous cartoon', but at the same time respect the sensitivities of their readership, who consider it beneath their social and intellectual dignity to have contact with anything funny!

  6. I don't think people are as racist as Obama supporters are wanting to believe.  The basis for this whole cartoon is because of what America has ALREADY gone through with 9/11 & terrorists and it is a fear that still lays in the back of everybody's minds.  I don't think it's about racism as much as what people are hearing about this man's past.  Sure they may NOT be any substance to some of Obama's past and supposed beliefs & places he's been and things he's done that sound almost as though there is a connection to the society that is associated with terrorists.  My feelings are that if there's any chance at ALL that he's associated with any of that....I mean even an itsy bitsy chance..... I certainly would NOT want to even THINK of voting him in as the leader of our country!  Why the heck even TAKE that chance!!!  If this was a black man that was raised by an upstanding AMERICAN family that had lived here all their lives as did he, I'd have no problem voting for him.  Obama is not a man like that though and truthfully it does scare me to have someone like that who may have divided interests in our Oval Office leading our country.  ...and certainly not saying this is so, but If you think about it.............. what better way to to conquer a country than to do it from the inside??????  Think about it........................

  7. THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!!!! ouch!!!

  8. The intention was good but the product is in very, very bad taste and gives the wrong impression...

  9. Pretty tasteless.  If they were trying to be satirical they didn't make it clear enough.  

    It's beyond me why Obama keeps getting this negative BS.

  10. Too truthful to be funny

  11. tasteless

  12. I hate that cover with a passion.  It is one of the most cruel and insensitive things the media can do. It's sad that a magazine so hardly regarded would go this far.  Despite their explanation for it.

  13. its was amusing to me.

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