
What are your feelings on abortion?

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I know this is a very open-ended question. I am not going to give my opinion but I would like to know how others feel about this. One of my friends is taking a social ethics class and they are about to discuss this. I would like the opinions of others and not just those on my university campus.

Are there times abortion is completely right or completely wrong? Can you ever truly be pro-choice or pro- life?




  1. I believe there is never a time that abortion is competely right, but at the same time it may never be completely wrong. If a baby is going to be born into a bad situation and forced to live a poor life, sometimes an abortion is a wise-choice, but that doesn't make it completely right. I don't think you can truly be pro-choice or pro-life, as your opinion should always depend on the situation.

  2. Well, thats really a hard question to answer if I were a mother, but yes my answer is still diplomatic, If anyone abort their baby it might be they are not ready for taking proper care of the coming member.

    In any case it is a sort of inhuman activity, only a mother can describe her feeling when she drops her baby.

    As per me its completely wrong..

  3. its everyones own choice but would watch videos on youtube will open ur eyes!!!

    good luck

  4. if you are too young and can't afford the baby, it's better if you do get an abortion then have the baby have to suffer for your mistakes.

  5. My feelings are if you are raped against your will and you get pregnant, you have a right to an abortion.  Anyone else shouldn't though.  Everyone knows the consequence of having s*x whether they use a condom or not, there is still a chance they can get pregnant and I believe that they should step up and be a parent.

  6. Mixed feelings... plenty of people who will adopt and pay all expenses related to the birth and give the child a great home on the one hand...even in cases of rape it is still a life that someone would adopt and love. If the mothers life would be at a great risk, then yes I agree with an abortion but I strongly encourage anyone who is considering an abortion to carefully weigh all other options and think if they can live with that choice later in life as well..ultimately it is still the individuals choice and should be as well.

  7. I think that it should be illegal unless the woman is too young and would likely die while giving birth or the woman is raped because that is out of her control and she did nothing wrong other wise i think people should have to suffer the consiquensis when they deside to have unprotected s*x although that brings up another point that i cant deside on... should the baby suffer? what if the parents become abusive, adoptions is great sometimes but other times the kids dont get adopted and are in foster home after foster home so yeah im not really sure about anything  

  8. I have to say, I have never been pregnant, but I am 100% PRO-LIFE. An abortion is murdering a human being, any way you look at it. People need to grow up and learn to deal with the consequences of their mistakes. I think it's soooo sad and unfortunate that pre-marital s*x has become the norm. People need to think before they act, and when you have s*x, you are taking the chance to create a baby. And if that happens, then you should have to life with the consequences of that. There are millions of couples waiting to adopt babies. I think that abortion is the most selfish act ever. On the other hand, if a woman was raped and then conceived, I would not judge her for what she chose to do. However, abortion is still murder, even if you were raped.

  9. I am truly pro-life.

    To the person above me: yeah cause nobody should have to learn from their mistakes, pfft what planet are you on?

  10. I am also truly pro-life.  My feelings on abortion is that it is killing a baby.  I cannot imagine after looking in the face of my son how anyone can do that.  

    ADD:  To those who defend abortions for rape victims:  I believe God always has a plan, one that we don't usually understand.  To "dispose" of a gift He's given you, even if you don't know why you were given the gift in the way that you were, is truly a sin.  What if that baby would go on to discover a cure for cancer or AIDS?  Everything happens for a reason.......

  11. I'm pro-choice. I had to have 1 the baby had spina bifida and a heart defect...she was not a viable fetus. I chose to abort rather than wait for my baby to die inside me. And there are lots of reasons women have them. Maybe they don't trust themselves to get off drugs and take care of the baby, maybe they are the only bread winners of a single parent home and can't afford to be out of work while pregnant... you never know what situation you could be in when you get pregnant and what choice you will have to make.  

  12. you gotta do what you gotta do

  13. I actually used to only believe in abortion at one cost, and that is rape, and honestly not really even then, because a fetus has a heartbeat at 4 weeks, and that is killing something that is living, so I believe it is completely wrong, when there is always the choice of adoption. I know most mothers wont want to carry a child for 9 months if they were raped, and im not sure what i would do if i was raped, so i cant judge anyone for their decisions.  

  14. If you're gonna act like an adult by having s*x, then be prepared to handle the consequences

    Think before you act

    In September 1993, Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse with thirteen years of experience, was assigned by her nursing agency to an abortion clinic.

    Since Nurse Shafer considered herself "very pro-choice," she didn't think this assignment would be a problem

    She was wrong

    This is what Nurse Shafer saw:

    "I stood at the doctor's side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body was moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet. The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I never went back to the clinic.

    But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy

    It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen

    But what about if the baby had been aborted at a younger age.. say 6 weeks? When the baby is this young, doctors use the Saline Method, where they inject a salty saline solution into the mother's womb. You would think it would just poison the baby, but it actually burns it to death. Even though the baby is so young, on ultrasounds of the abortion, the fetus is seen pulling away from the poison as it is injected.. obviously wanting to stay alive.(The baby is intelligent enough to move away from the pain..but the child can't escape it)

    Think about that before you say that unborn children can't feel pain


    Life is life, no matter how small you are

    A baby cries for it's first and last time when it's aborted.

    truth-this is deff not how they do abortions.... but its still wrong!!!


    You can deny it, but its true

    A baby is a living thing



  15. I am strongly against abortion, it's taking away a human life, it's borderline murder to me....and if you are to young to have enough money to take care of it, then you are too young to be having s*x!  

  16. I'm pro-choice, but I am a staunch believer that abortion should NEVER be considered a form of birth control, and that women should take every precaution and have responsible s*x.  But accidents happen, and no method of birth control is 100% affective.  If a woman wants to have an abortion, that should be her right, and no one should tell her she's wrong for it (unless she's constantly having unprotected s*x and aborting the babies, in which case, she probably needs counseling and a pack of condoms.)

    I know that if I accidentally got pregnant, I'd certainly want to get an abortion.  I have no desire to have children, ever.  And before someone says "Well what about adoption?"  First, it's my right to not carry and give birth to a child.  Secondly, the world is overpopulated and under resourced, and there are enough children in the world who need homes.

    Say I was on the pill, or using a condom, and had s*x.  I was being responsible, but neither method is full proof.  If the condom broke, I'd probably go get the morning-after pill.  But sometimes birth control fails with no visible sign, and you don't realize you're pregnant until it's too late.  In that case, an abortion should definitely be a viable option.

  17. Some people think and or feel that abortion might be right if their situations calls for one. That's not the case. The baby that's inside of you is you. You created that baby why not have it. Abortion effects mental and emotional. Yeah it might be cool to think about having onr but until you have that abortion and you see other people with their babies you gonna wish you had your baby. There are a lot of side effects that come with abortion and I'm serious. crying episodes, taking your own life, wishing that you had the baby. So think before you act. you might not feel like a baby would fit into your life right now. Think of the people that want kids give the baby up for adoption. Don't kill the baby please don't.

  18. I have to wonder when reading through these what is going on.  Some completely do the whole murder thing and gods gift of life and then everything happens for a reason.   I believe that there are times that it is necessary and beneficial.  I also believe that its not right and should not be done.  But the thing is its the woman choice and her decision is what she has to live with. Everything happens for a reason falls into this.  If she does it it happened for a reason.  If she didn't also it happened or a reason.  I also remember something about The one with no sin shall cast the first stone.   Which to me means why judge.  We aren't perfect.  We are all gonna be judged in the end.  Why hold it against people.  Granted they "Might" cure cancer or aids,  or they might be just like the raping *** hole that got her that way in the first place.  Genes are carried on by generations even if they never see the biological person they are from.  I know a person that is a prime example.  So its just a choice you have to make on your own and live with.  Why judge for something like this when we all have our battles to fight???

  19. Here is what I want to know-- why are all the pro-choice people getting multiple thumbs down and all the pro-life people getting multiple thumbs up??  It seems like someone has a grudge against someone.

    That being said, I am pro-choice.  Although it shouldn't be done more than once or twice-- it should not be used as a form of birth control, in other words.

    To answer the original question though, abortion is never completely wrong or completely right.  There are too many factors involved and too many individual situations.

  20. i think it is the womans choice. there are situations where abortion is necessary, like what if she was raped and got pregnant? or what if she cant afford it? what if she is only 14 years old? i am not against abortion and im not for it. and people shouldnt criticize other peoples decisions.

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