
What are your feelings on abortion....?

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I'm pro-choice, also I'd like to know whether or not you think the abortion pictures on pro life websites are real? thanks!




  1. im pro life i belive its murder at the end of the day would you kill a new born baby? no so wats the diffrence just because the child isnt born yet its changed from murder to abortion its so wrong!  

  2. I too am pro choice. It is a woman's body and therefore, her decision on whether she wants the pregnancy to continue. Do I think the father should be consulted? Yes. That being said, it is still the womans choice.

    Are the pictures real? Yes. Either side will use whatever means necessary to attempt to sway others to their cause. The more graphic, the more brutal seeming the more sympathy.  

  3. I'm pro-life.

    If the mother's life is in danger: it should be legal & encouraged.

    If it's a proven rape: It should be semi-legal & discouraged.

    Otherwise: illegal.

    abortion is wrong.  Adoption is the best solution.

  4. Pro choicers and pro lifers give a simple answer to a complicated issue.

    Abortion laws need to be up to the state law. Liberal states can keep abortion while the conservative states make it illegal.

    As for the pics i have no reason to think they are fake.

  5. So you'd like to know if they're real?  No offense, but are you ignorant?  ABORTION IS KILLIING A BABY!  I am definitely pro-life. Abortion is wrong, and we're killing another life. We should cherish life, born and unborn. Do you know what I hate? If somebody kills a pregnant woman, then he/she is sentenced to prison for two manslaughters, but a mother kills her unborn child and it's legal. What? Did you know that a baby has a heartbeat 18 days from conception? It has a heart! It has a say, although it cannot talk. My teacher was talking about illegal immigration the other day, and said that if an immigrant had a child born here, that child was a citizen, so that is a tough issue. A boy replied, just let it go back to it's country, it can't talk yet. My teacher replied, well, just because it can't talk doesn't mean it doesn't have a right. Apply that to abortion. We are killing babies and thinking nothing of it. Teens are having s*x and taking the morning after pill, to kill it. They are killing children, so they won't have to change their life! How selfish. People are saying hey, it's mean to kill babies if it's after this month? Excuse me? Since when did they become a baby for you? LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION. Pro-choice? Yeah right. They're just Pro-Death.

  6. its cruel.

  7. I adhere to God's opinion.  He calls it an abomination, legal or not.

    It was never His intention that man should shed innocent blood.  That is why the death penalty was instituted.  In God's eyes, if a someone kills an innocent person, born or unborn, their own life should be forfeit.

    I know from experience that the pictures we show are quite real.  Of course, this begs the question, "If you are offended by the pictures of aborted babies, shouldn't you be more offended by the 'procedure' that brought about those photos?"

    The reason cupcakes call you pro-death is simple.  Pro-lifers provide all viable options for a pregnant mother.  "Pro-choicers" seem to be fighting mainly for abortion.  Since, in the eyes of God, the unborn child is as human as you or me then, being pro-choice is the same as being pro-death.

  8. Rape and does not wish to carry, and life of mother at risk, her choice if concise.

  9. I think women should have the choice but the privilege should not be abused

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