
What are your feelings on stupid drivers? Share your experiences.?

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Many upon many bad experiences on the road, but i'll share today's.

So i'm driving on the freeway in the 2nd lane from the right, passing cars in the merging lane(1st lane). As i'm passing a pickup truck, he swerves into my lane, making me slam on my breaks and nearly crash into a car in the 3rd lane. Luckily no accident occured. WHAT a piece of s h i t.

Have any of you been in an accident due to these horrid drivers?

I'm in Northern California by the way, perhaps it's worse in So Cal or other areas?




  1. I just ignore stupid drivers anymore    Awesome another thumbs down

  2. well everyday u see bad drivers EVERYWHERE

    specially the ones that talk on the fone and then flick u off when they cut into u


    those are the types i see everyday

    so i dont have one specific time

  3. i dont know if you have ever seen the movie "fifth element" ? well in that movie the drivers have a point system for thier licsense!

    so, do somthing stupid and get a deduction because nowadays anyone gets to drive and this just isnt right or fair and is dangerous in the least !!!! and cell phones need to be out lawed out right while on the road or maybe a computer system that forces you to pull over while you take a call . !!!

  4. I agree, I have been in a number of accidents while driving a 18wheeler (Had my class a SINCE 1990) NONE MY FAULT! These feebs merge rit into you, turn infront of you etc.

    The last serious wreck I had was when a guy tried to pass and clipped the front right fender of my pickup which at the same tim spun him sideways infront of me ,hittin the guard rail and bouncing rite back infront of my truck where I promptly hit him in the drivers door, flipping him on his roof, he was spinning in the middle of HWY99 like a turtle, his little bucket was toast, he walked away lucky for him.

  5. I have driven more than 400,000 miles in Cal, Bakersfield to the Oregon Border, Coast to coast.  East of reno to the ocean.  Had forty years of hot rods and sports cars, thirty years of bikes, from Harley Sportster to dual sport on-off roaders, No problems really. Just have to learn patience, try to not follow too close. At times I have been , like other people, sleepy, legally drunk, just left the eye doctor with dilated pupils, crazy blind mad, mildly ticked off, depressed, stupid,  vengeful, angelic.  Just left mom funeral, or dads.

    How about the left lane bandits? The buttholes who drive the freeway , lane one, at 75 until they get beside an 18 wheeler and then slow down and take ten minutes to pass the truck?  

    How about the jerko in town who slooows, slooows, slooows then crams on the brakes, starts to turn right THEN HITS HIS (OR HER) TURN SIGNALS!    

    I travel on business. The greatest thing that helps my driving is the GPS that I have used for the past three years.  The thing tells me when I am going to arrive at my destination. This takes a tremendous load off of my mind. I can decide whether to speed up and pass a line of trucks or to slow down and let the 80 - 85 M.P.H. crazies go on by first.  

    Another trick;  when you are trapped in fairly busy traffic and come across an 18 wheeler that is tailgating or reckless,  I maneuver to the right lane and wait until he is stymied by traffic ebb and flow and winds up passing you or you passing him. I stick my 35 Millimeter  (large) camera out the window and make a big show of making a long movie, right into the cab!  This turns a******s into puddy tats instantly! In extreme conditions I have sent the photos and details to the trucking company safety officer.

  6. I don't drive but I have experience that many time I am riding buses in NYC.

    It never happen on my bus, but similar thing happened three times, but I give you two.

    Once before Metropolitan Transit Authority take over private bus company called Triboro Coach, I was on Q53 NB heading to Woodside Train Station.

    Bus was going northbound on Beach 116th St.

    As Bus was about to turn right/east onto Newport Av, crazy cardriver jump out in front of bus from gas station almost sending passengers to DASHBOARD!

    Another one when I was on crowded bus on Hybrid Bus and there were no seat, so I and few others were standee.

    As Bus was going NB approaching Atlantic Av, female driver suddenly made illegal right turn that caused our bus to halt.

    It is very AWFUL.

    There has been many incident in NYC that involves buses, taxis, pedestrians and it is very awful.

  7. Ya know, my brother has been driving longer than ME (40 years)

    and he STILL believes that no matter WHAT he's doing, whether it be speeding, merging, turning, or WHATEVER, everyone ELSE is supposed to get the H*** out of his way.

    IF, after all these years, he still hasn't wised up, it seems to me we are wasting our time being concerned about all the bad drivers. (what I mean is losing sleep or getting mad)

    I mean, they are NEVER going to change, so I simply ANTICIPATE their screwy moves and try my best to avoid them.

  8. Where I am there are so many lolo's on the road that I traded my 35mph car for a high setting p/u just so I can be seen and not get creamed. I had to give up gas mileage for saftey.

  9. One of the conditions about 'stupid drivers' is that it is never ME!...Always the other guy...I was driving an airport ride share shuttle van back to the office on the I-5 in Burbank, CA...I'm in #1 lane, heavy slow traffic, nice day...I see a couple of cars pulled off on the other side of the freeway with CHP on scene...No biggie...And no sooner do I get my eyes back to the front then I tapped the bumper of the guy in front of me...We both dismount and check the vehicles...Not a dent or scratch anywhere...Just an eye-opener and heart beater that told me to pay attention to what's on my side of the road.

  10. Some of the worst drivers I've ever seen are just swarming around the Sonoma/Napa Valley area.  Bunch of self-important yuppies in Beemers, with their cell phones stuck to their ears, willing to cheat death by cutting off other vehicles and making abrupt maneuvers just to get their next Cabernet experience.  I even saw one guy backing up into oncoming traffic to get a look at a sign with multiple arrows directing to various wineries.  

    Other than that, N. California *is* a lot better than So Cal....LA has some of the most airheaded drivers in the country.  

    Chicago has to be the ABSOLUTE worst in the country, though.  There is almost a particular driving style unique to Chicago drivers- I can pick them out even when they're "tourists" in other states.  I've had a few chance encounters with Illinois-plated drivers in rest areas- this is AFTER I earlier observed them driving a bit recklessly, and I'll casually approach them & say "Oh, my mom's from Illinois!  What part are you from?"  It's ALWAYS Chicago :).

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