
What are your feelings on those who do t believe in global warming?

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I think its crazy that some people don't believe in global warming, It's been proven with countless facts and statistics and has been researched. if you don't believe in it a) why?? and b) have you not seen an inconvenient truth??




  1. I don't believe in global warming. I watched An Inconvenient Truth and was wondering just the opposite of what you wonder. Why do people buy Al Gore's bullshit about global warming. Unknown to many of his followers, Gore's residence uses 20 times the amount of energy as the average  American household.

  2. They're just hopeless. I'll fight against oil companies as hard as possible. They destroyed the EV claiming lies about them, and now they  have started a war over oil. Children, families, frineds are getting destroyed, killed, sufficated by chlorine gas, jailed, why because of some greedy fat moron bilionare, who never gets satisfied.

    More and more kids are born with health problems and still nobody's doing anything, the heat at some places (like here in alberta) is hardly withstandable. They bribe, threaten anyone in their way  and survive with lies. And still they're out there.

    HOWEVER! As for the oil companies:

    "You have made us into enemies, we'll make you regret it!"

  3. I think that you won't be able to convince anyone on the east coast that global warming is a fact. The studies on this is actually split 50/50. You can argue the point for both sides very convincingly. One side proves that the earth has gone through many of these cycles and can prove it and the effects on the world and water levels. Also it has been stated that the seas are being depleted of 80% of all the eatable fish. They say that planktin have been depleted to a dangerous level. Reality is that due to the melting of the glaciers that the planktin have actually increased in the last 5 years at numbers unprecedented  in recorded times. Increase in planktin  increases food chain and oxygen. This improves the quality of the air and the ozone. It also gives more food for the many species that live of them.

    There are always alarmists in the world who will jump on any bandwagon. It gives them purpose, which is okay except for the fact they always ignore any other studies that may repudiate their findings and support a different view. I would just suggest that you do your best in not  contaminating any part of your world and try cleaning up your corner of the earth and everyone else will try to work on any waste they make and together we can make it through another cycle.

  4. I think its crazy that you DO believe in global warming LMAO! Somebody you will stop listening to the left wing greenies about how the rebublicans are to blame for all evils on earth and thecaused all the polution too.  LOL wake up and smell the coffee, Your new belief system is bowing to ultra left anit-God groups that all believe we have control over the earth and how long it lasts.  Do you really think man has ANY influence over this planet??  Do you really think driving ur prius hybrid will do anything to save the earth??  Maybe we shoudl kill 90% of the earths population to save the globe lmao!!

  5. I have been doing a lot of research in the past few years on the subject of global warming my findings suggest that global warming is not caused by man but a natural occurrence.

  6. well considering the global temp actually went down in 2007 i would say they are pretty smart

  7. The scientific process requires a theory to be testable, constant, and reproducible.  Therefore, the scientists that disagree with global warming are simply pointing out the flaws in the process.  Second, the planet has been on a global warming trend since the glaciers started retreating in the first place.  In fact, global warming caused the end of the ice-ages.  Finally, the people that are disagreeing with global warming really are not saying that global warming is not occurring; they are questioning the role in which human activity has increased the effects of global warming.  So, I think it it "crazy" to jump to conclusions on such a topic.  However, it does make sense to be as environmentally friendly as possible.  Human activity will inevitably put larger and larger strains on already troubled ecosystems causing numerous detrimental effects.

  8. Nope, don't believe it.

    Why?  because I have researched the subject.

    Seen Inconvenient Truth?  No but I read the book.  (Odd that fiction is found in the reference section of the library.)  Please consider some of the "facts and statistics" you saw in the movie.

    Al is "honest" in the way only lawyers can be.  He tells only the part of the truth that supports his position.  Using words carefully crafted not to actually state a lie, he leaves the reader or viewer convinced of "facts" that are really deceit.  While it is quite common among lawyers and politicians, this tactic is specifically contrary to "science".  

    For example, in the book, Al devotes some 20 pages to maps of inundated coastal cities.  Review the movie or the book.  It is really frightening, isn't it?  Are you afraid?

    Now find where Al says this WILL happen, or even that it COULD happen.  He simply says IF it happens, then fills your mind with terrifying images.  You forgot all about the "WILL it happen" part.

    The probability is roughly the same as meeting the REAL Easter Bunny.

    As I read the book, I found that every message was presented to elicit an emotional response while failing every test of "science" that I know.

    The link below lists several deceptions in Al's book and movie.

  9. It ( human caused global warming ) certainly hasn't been proven, not even close.  And "an inconvenient truth" is so flawed to be utterly laughable.

    Why don't I believe it?  Because the central belief of the "chicken little" theoriests is that CO2 causes warming, while all the data ( including what was shown in Al Gore's little show ) shows that warming takes place BEFORE CO2 increases.. AKA warming causes CO2.

    Further, to believe in the popular theories you have to accept that billions of years of constant and natural climate change just mysteriously ended 20 years ago for no apparent reason.. and then humans took over.

  10. Read this

    Cool News About Global Warming

    By Bill Steigerwald | Monday, March 03, 2008

    You've no doubt seen the stories about strange snowfalls in Saudi Arabia. A brutal winter in China. The heaviest snow cover in North America, Siberia and elsewhere since 1966.

    And if you are a vigilant observer of the global warming debate, you know how inconveniently cold it is in the Arctic this winter for Al Gore and his army of climate alarmists.

    But how cold is it, Johnny?

    Well, NASA says recent satellite images show that the allegedly endangered polar ice cap -- which will melt completely one of these summers and kill off all the polar bears if we don't slash our greedy carbon footprints and revert to the lifestyles of medieval peasants -- has recovered to near normal coverage levels.

    That's what Josefino Comiso, a senior research scientist with the Cryospheric Sciences Branch of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, told Canada's CBC News -- the Canadian government's version of NPR/PBS - on Feb. 12.

    As far as Google's search engine knows, Comiso's comforting report has appeared nowhere but in Canada.

    There's even better news for polar ice-pack lovers from ice expert Gilles Langis, who says Arctic ice is now even thicker than usual in spots. A senior ice forecaster with the Canadian Ice Service in Ottawa, he's another scientist you shouldn't expect to see talking to Anderson Cooper on the next episode of CNN's "Galaxy in Peril."

    Meanwhile, in other news too climatically incorrect for U.S. mainstream media to touch, California meteorologist Anthony Watts says January 2008 was the planet's second-coldest January in 15 years.

    Even more shocking, the average temperature of Earth dropped significantly from January 2007 to January 2008. As Watts explains on his Web site, he determined the lower figure by crunching data from four major public and private global tracking sources.

    You may remember Watts from last summer. He popped up in this paper and on Fox News because of his self-funded project to quality-check 1,221 ground weather stations around the country that are used by NASA to measure the "official" average annual temperature of the United States.

    So far, Watts and his volunteers have checked out more than 500 weather stations (none in Western Pennsylvania) to see if their temperature data can be considered credible. As he details on his other Web site,, nearly 70 percent of the sites fail to meet the government's own standards because they are not 100 feet from a building, are on blazing rooftops, sit next to air-conditioner exhaust fans, etc.

    Watts was shocked and surprised to find such unequivocal proof that Earth's temperature has cooled in the last year, he said to me Wednesday. But he's very cautious about what it means in either the short or long run.

    Calling it a "fluctuation" and "a large anomaly" compared to the 30-year running temperature average that climatologists use, he emphasized that the cold spell is "no indication that global warming is over" but does "illustrate that the driving mechanisms behind our planet's climate are still very much in control of changing the climate and that the planet's not in the death grip of CO2 just yet."

    A careful, honest man of science, all Watts would say for sure was that his findings and all the strange cold-weather events of this winter prove only one thing so far -- that "Mother Nature is still in control of things, not us."


    Bill Steigerwald is the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's associate editor. Call him at (412) 320-7983. E-mail him at:

    b) why would a see a move that by law in the UK has to be listed a a work of fiction due to all the flaws and skewed facts?

       Id rather watch  South park

  11. I think they need a hug.

  12. I have many reasons I don't believe this.  Some have already been bought up in less then 5 hours that this question has been up.

    One of the main points I like to make is just how small an area the industrialized world is on the world on a whole.  First the ocean covers two-thirds of it, then there's only a about a dozen countries that  cars are a major method of transport, thus a factor in this, Then there's only a few more that have major industries that put these gases into the air.

    It also don't help the ones that believe this stuff that there solutions are just so unrealistic ((if there was some sort of alternative power that is made tomorrow, it will still take over a decade before it would be widespread) or just trades one pollution for another. ((like Hybrid cars, less gas but you have to dump even more poisonous batteries into landfills))

    It's the same myth as allot surrounding recycling, but I won't go into that here.

    As for An Inconvenient Truth, I went into that with the same mindset as a Michael Moore film, I knew I'd get only half the story and got more entertainment from it saying what he missed then anything else.

  13. It is a good example of the influence of money in politics.  PR firms spend millions of dollars, they can get people to believe whatever they want.

  14. okay people who dont beleive in global warming are stupid and clueless. its happening right now and you cant say it isnt. we all know it is and it just makes me mad to think that there are people who dont beleive in it. there isnt anything to beleive people!!!! its something you learn from facts that cannot be proven wrong. im 13 and ive seen An Incoveinent Truth twice. ive taught primary, elementary, and middle school sudents about why you should recycle and why global warming is so bad.

    P.S. people who dont beleive in global warming are retards!!!!!!

  15. Some people are just like that. You just have to show them make a video to prove it.

  16. My belief is that people are just in plain scared! They are afraid of the fact that yes it is real, and that yes, it is going to cause the end of the human race if something isn't done about it. When humans become scared, they hide behind a flimsy belief that they defend with their life, even if they know it isn't true, they want to believe it. They go into denial, and then nothing in the world will change their minds, because they are to scared.

  17. They are very smart individuals that are not naive enough to get suckered by that stupid Al gore movie. Give me a break.

  18. I almost feel sorry for them.

    Most seem very ignorant on the subject and few even bother to gather any information to back themselves up.

  19. It is not a fact, for one thing.  Meteorologist Dr WIlliam Gray tells us to not give ourselves so much credit.  Even with all of our emmissions, humans are not going to change the temperature of the ocean by even 1 degree.

    While ice was melting at the North Pole, it was actually building at the South Pole....Hmmm, sounds like time to evacuate the planet to me!!!

    Read temperature readings kept for well over 100 years.  In that time, the average air temperature has only increased about 1.5 degrees Celsius.  d**n!  I thought it was getting warm in here!!! LOL!

    I guess because humans weren't cooking over open fires and driving cars, lack of pollution caused the last ice age?

    Nature works in cycles.  It warms, it cools.  Nature has been doing this for a long time.  It did so long before even the first cockroach formed on this planet, and will continue to do so long after the last human leaves it.  You can't even compete with what nature is capable of.

    How many mega forest fires do we have every year?  The ones we don't put out when they don't endanger human life.  Billions of acres burn every year.  If it didn't, our forests would starve and die.  It is supposed to...and puts out just a little more CO2 than my car.

    Don't mess with Mother Nature....she has experience in this field.

    Humans, no matter how much damage you do to this planet, how much radiation you bury in the soil,  you aren't even 1/millionth of the way able to change the temperature of this planet by 1 degree.  Get a life!

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