
What are your first concerns?

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When the power is interrupted due to a storm, what are your first concerns? Do you have a mental list of things to take care of?




  1. nap time!!!!

  2. Flashlights and candles and the kids that come over to get in the cellar. I don't go to the cellar because I always about break my neck and the last time I messed up my knee.  When it's my turn I'll go with no fuss!!!!

  3. We always have drinking water on hand, Went through a lot of power outages without it, I also worry about the food in the fridge and freezer , A couple of weeks ago we had a power outage, the kids had played with the flashlights, the batteries were all  ran down, If I know its going to storm I always shut  the Electrical  appliance off, The computer first ,  

  4. I have to remember to get all the lit candles put out and check to make sure everything is working that should be, and to turn off the tv in the bedroom.  It can be off and when the electricity comes back on from an outage, it will com on by itself.  

  5. Trying to find my way up the stairs to where the candles are. We have

    been lucky not to experience an outage since I was very young. I

    guess we've managed to live in the right areas since. Especially when

    one realizes that some areas get hit so hard, they are without elec-

    tricity for days. And they end up cookinig on camping stoves or in

    their fireplaces if they have them. They have to worry about the food

    thawing in their fridge freezer and things staying cool in the fridge part.

    It's a very unpleasant situation. And one I've been happy to have

    avoided most of my life.

  6. I am always prepared with lots of candles, a really lot of canned/non-perishable foods that I store in the closets, and I have gallons and gallons of water stored that I refill periodically. In case of winter outages, I also have lots of extra blankets, coats, long underwear, and more mittens and scarves then we need. I also keep games and cards around so we don't get bored. My family teases me that I seem to be ready for WWIII, my daughter even showed her new boyfriend my "stores" as a joke......well, she will be grateful if we ever really need all this stuff.  

  7. If it is night time ... LIGHT!

    I keep a transistor radio handy in case of emergency. I also have canned goods and water stored but that's in case of an earthquake or something. Storms aren't much of a concern in San Diego. The power DOES go out occasionally because of too much power usage but this is temporary.

    I also have a shotgun for the worst case scenario.

  8. I don't get concerned until it is out for a period of time. My concerns generally have to do with keeping food cold.

    We get a lot of power outages, but they don't last long. Just long enough to have to reset all our &%#&@ appliances.

  9. Me and the family safety first.

  10. Check on my man and the dog

    have the candles and plug in phone and cell close

    I basically have a list and a plan

  11. We have a two year supply for emergency/disaster and also a two week emergency pack for each of us if we had to relocate.

    We have had meetings with our family and know where we could all locate each other.

    Because I'm unable to walk on my own, I keep a flash light on my cart to make my way through the house and we have two battery operated camping lights, oil lamps and many candles.

    We live in an area that has numerous thunderstorms that knock out the power often.

    Very good question and hope everyone is or will prepare as we never know when we will have an emergency.


  12. How long will it be off, will the freezer and fridge remain cool. Set the alarm on my cell phone for work .  

  13. find a candle and wait

  14. checking on neighbors that live alone.

  15. finding a candle, i have a lot of them but since i quit smoking i don't have any matches or lighters.  thanks to your question think i will get a lighter.

  16. Gosh I don't know if I would know how to start the generator since I lost my husband.  Thanks for the question, I will have to ask one of my neighbors to go over that with me.

  17. I go for the flashlight, get a few glow sticks out & hang them on the door handles.  Then I shut off all the switches that were on when the power went off & crawl back under the covers I listen to the storm with my flashlight next to me (turned off to conserve batteries).  Since I have extra water on hand for emergencies, I don't worry about that & I have a few MRE spaghetti dinners & some freeze dried food with a little camping stove I can use if the power stays off for a long time.  4 hours is the longest it's ever been out.  Maybe this year things will be different!

  18. Make sure my grandparents are ok, & ask if they need anything

  19. If it happens at night then I go to bed and sleep. In the daytime I use a broom to sweep the floor and I use a dishcloth to clean the appliances and I don't need electricity to make the beds. I just keep busy.

  20. medical.  will my machine work or not.

    check out the rest of family.

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