
What are your hints or routines you use to help make your skin glow?

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My skin is dull and I want it to glow.

Any tips/hints/secrets?




  1. I've had incredible results massaging with essential oils. They are safe, only health promoting and much less costly than products. You will come to realize that most products are skin harming and skin aging - verify with a Google .Oils quickly and permanently got rid of all my skin blemishes and I now have a totally blemish free, healthy and glowing, radiant and young looking skin. The secret is to thoroughly massage into skin (if see my best answers I give very precise instructions on how to properly and safely do that). In just two days you will get dramatic results and day by day you will see even better ones. Many have benefited on Answers from treatment and I can show you glowing reports, testimonials from them.

    SOURCE(S): 20 + years research, experimentation - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments .

  2. sometimes, you just need to wear certain colors.

    I think pink makes me glow.

    Yellow is really good on olive/yellow tones.

    white is good on dark skin.

    black or gray is good for pale skin

  3. i drink a lot of water.

    that makes your skin healthier.

    i have this eyeshadow that's not sparkly but it's kind of a tan shimmery color, and i apply it to my cheek bones.

    it looks good in the light :)

  4. There's too many to tell but fish oil does wonders for me.

    Try looking up any local herbalogist and ask them...

  5. shimmery bronzer. just don't OD

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