
What are your honest feelings on global warming.Do you think we can all do more to help.?

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With all the really bad weather conditions we have experienced over the last decade,do you agree that somthing has to seriously be done about the pollution we pump into the air,and what would you be prepared to do, or do without to change our old bad habits that have created this in the first place.

EG. USE your tumble dryer less.

A lower setting on your washer.

Buy all none aerosol.

Walk more,instead of taking the car.


These are all really easy things for all of us to do,and can you imagine if we all did these few or even a couple of them,the massive difference it would make,for ours and our childrens/grandchildrens/greatgrandchild... futures.It could actually turn the clocks back in pollution terms.Do you agree.




  1. No.  I think the global warming thing is a big scam for a lot of people to make a lot of money.

    10,000 years ago we had an ice age.  Since then, the world has been heating up.  When it has reached it's optimum temperature (and only nature will decide this as is does with regards to whether it's going to rain or not when you want sun), then it will start to cool down and we will have another ice age.

    That said, I walk everywhere I can, recycle what I can, grow as many of my own fruits and vegetables as I can.

  2. You are missing the point; the fact is the Earths human population is spiralling out of control. Everyone has the right to the quality of life that other people have.

    Every week some new electrical gadget comes onto the market, the whole thing will snowball.

    The point is global warming is caused by burning fossil fuels so what we need to do is use alternative means of energy to produce this electricity. We already have solar power, wind power and yes nuclear power, we need to improve our use of natural resources and stop burning fossil fuels.

    But you see, incompetent financial management by governments means that they now use 'green' excuses to increase taxes in general, meaning they are losing sympathy and increase scepticism.

    Sorry but turning down the temperature on your washer wont make any difference, this is a diversionary suggestion to stop people thinking about what they are actually being asked to do.

  3. Global warming follows the second law of thermodynamics, which means that nature favors spontaneity.  To put back what is lost, you must exert energy...and money, but still too much has been lost.  

    Our awareness of this topic has been clouded by politics.  I hope we should not be.

  4. Of course I agree!! What we have made of this earth is our responsibility and we should be ready to make it right when the time comes...which is NOW!! If nothing is done about this awful condition, all of us are going to suffer, and in a way are suffering right now. Have we forgotten about the Katrina Hurricane or the recent spring storms in the US? Who is to blame? I think scientists have answered that question by unianimously agreeing to the effects of Global Warming. The examples you have given are great!!Baby steps will take us farther then we really expect...and remember we have to start somewhere! And I think you are absolutely right in saying that even if all of us start doing a couple things for the betterment of the world, we will be making massive and noticeable in this world. For some more information on this topic you can go to the following website for 'The Inconvenient Truth'.

  5. we could all try i do recycling and i use a 30' wash i share lifts to work its not hard i think some paople are just arrogant

  6. Global warming isn't really hazardous to the planet itself, but rather life on the planet.  The Earth can replenish itself with time, with new life even. I do agree that if we want to progress as a species and preserve life on Earth, we need to take steps to right things.

  7. My honest opinion:

    The earth goes in an out of ice ages.  Several thousand years ago, earth temperatures and CO2 levels were the same as they are now.  The earth's climatic cycle fluctuates and whatever we do we have to celebrate the diversity of the earth and that if we humans die out like the dinosaurs did, some new, amazing creature will evolve here which will be suited the environment which persists after we've gone.

  8. no it;s to late,,and it won;t get any better

  9. I think you probably haven't been around for many decades.  No offense, but there has always been bad weather.  In the 1970, it was so bad, many mainstream scientists, echoed by journalists, warned of the coming ice age.  They always managed to blame humans for causing this premature ice age.  Some said the use of fossil fuels has created particulates in the atmosphere screening out the sunlight.  Now those very same people, trust me they are the same, suggest that we are headed for global warming.  For those with a short memory, it might have some credibility.  For me, it is more of the same, trying to usurp science for the petty political agendas.

  10. If the everyone in the US parked their cars tomorrow and never drove again, it wouldn't matter; because countries like China and India will be contributing that amount of pollution to the world within the next 6 years. And of course, the levels will just continue to rise.

    Obviously, we need to be good stewards of our environment. We are all taught to clean up our to speak. But realistically, what we need to do is learn to adapt to global climate change. Even the most pessimistic global warming advocate says we have a number of years before their worst-case scenarios occur.

  11. We need bigger cars and need to pollute more.

    That way it will all be over quicker :-)

  12. There's no point in shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

    The Industrial Revolution was the launch pad for an exponential growth in manufacturing and this has resulted in a throw-away society.

    The same society is now in terminal decline because of its abandonment of all reasonable standards of behaviour.

    We all have to die some day but I reckon we are heading for total extinction; quickly with a nuclear free for all war or slightly more slowly by pollution and destruction of the earth's resources.

    The truth is sometimes very unpalatable but don't be blind and deaf on this matter.

  13. global warming i dont think can be stopped but we can stop helping it becoming faster,this requires global co operation between all countries ,and taking into account human nature and the world politics ,it is unlikely that this will happen,

    At least not untill we are all in the middle of planetary disastres and it becomes a battle for the survival of humanity every where.

    these are Al gores sites


    if you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes

    reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,powerplants etc.

    the capture of carbon and the production of water and assist the aquiferous manta.

    the world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia

    Waterharvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

    the protection of existing forrests.

    stop building more highways,urban planning to include vegetation stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

    education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

    education on environmental awareness

    education on family planning to curb over´populaion

    Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals or sustainability and soil management.

    more environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks

    ,more dams.regulations and control for public behaviour

    alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine

    recicling wastes,limit water use

    here are a 100 more ways

  14. ONCE AGAIN....

    Global Warming MEANS "World Wide Warming!" It is ONLY A Political Term = NOT based in Real Science!

    The EARTH is covered by "Three Quarters WATER!" Basic Science, it takes ONE-Btu to raise One Cubic Centimeter ONE Degree Centigrade!

    HOW many "Gazillion Cubic Centimeters are there ONLY on the Surface of Planet Earth COVERED by 3/4 Water?"




    Oh yes, POLAR temperatures have varied LESS Than one degree in the past 100-Years. Noticed I said VARIED, = NOT RISEN!

    Thanks, RR

  15. I think it is the biggest trick ever played on society. They have no proof, they see trends but they dont have proof.

    In the 1970s they had everyone tricked into thinking there was global cooling. What changed?

    Its all a joke

    Improving the environment is a good thing and we need to push as much as we can but dont believe the global warming hype. You will find as many scientists against it as for it

  16. We live on the surface of a bubble spining in space with so little understanding of time this bubble is mostly molten rock with a bit of gas and water thrown into the mix,,, for better or worse we all spin toghter,

    So anything we can do for the better must be done,but this covers all things wrong within this bubble we all live.

  17. The theory of man-made global warming is false.  Rather than just giving evidence proving that global warming is based on misrepresented evidence I will directly address the points made by global warming scientists.  If you do not plan on reading my post (I know it is long) I would ask you to watch this video:  this video makes many of the points I will be making.  Now I will list the points that global warming scientists make: 1. CO2 causes an increase in global temperature. 2.  The IPCC has produced a report on the issue.  3. Computer models predict what we are saying.  4. There is a scientific consensus on the issue/all major scientists agree on man-made global warming/the only people who disagree are paid by the oil companies.  5. Major Politicians, CEO’s, scientists, etc agree.  6.  Even if there is a chance that global warming is real we should do everything we can, it can’t hurt.

    1.  This is the main point made by global warming scientists. Data does in fact show that temperature and CO2 are correlated, however the nature of the correlation has been overlooked.  Global warming scientists say that an increase of CO2 causes global temperatures to rise, but this is not the case; a rise in global temperatures causes a rise in CO2.  Using the same graph featured in “An Inconvenient Truth”, (the graph where Al Gore goes up on the cherry picker, the data from the ice core), the graph clearly shows a lag in CO2 as compared to global temperature.  Temperature starts to go up 800 years before CO2 begins to rise.  This happens because of the oceans.  CO2 released by natural or man-made sources is mostly absorbed into the ocean, when the global temperature raises it gradually increases the ocean temperature which releases CO2 and other gasses into the atmosphere.  Also most of the warming occurred before 1940 when industrialization was not as great.  One would believe that if global warming is tied to CO2 it would accelerate in the post WWII period, but it didn’t.  The globe actually cooled for 4 decades after WWII, when industrialization was the greatest.  Now take a look at our atmosphere as it relates to greenhouse gasses.  CO2 makes up .03% of our atmosphere, a very small amount of our atmosphere.  Other greenhouse gasses like water vapor make up 1-4% of the atmosphere.  Now take a look at where CO2 comes from, all human activity combined produces 6.5Gt of CO2 per year.  Volcanoes alone match that number.  All animals combined (meaning respiration, decomposition, etc) produce 150Gt of CO2.  So humans produce a very small amount of CO2 which itself makes up a very small amount of our atmosphere.  Water vapor is acknowledged to be the major greenhouse gas, and all of that is produced via evaporation (i.e. naturally).  

    I know some of you may be thinking “ha, he acknowledges the greenhouse effect.”  To you I ask you to read a science textbook, the greenhouse effect is real and plays a very important role in maintaining a livable temperature on the earth.  Global warming scientists cite the greenhouse effect via our emission CO2 as the source of global warming.  They are disproved by their own words.  As I said before the greenhouse effect is real and causes heat to become trapped in the troposphere which warms the earth.  So if human emission of CO2 is to be blamed we would expect the troposphere to be warming and thus increasing the surface temperature (the temperature cited on global warming graphs) of the earth but look for yourself: the troposphere is actually cooling, only the surface temperature is rising.  This warming is not due to the greenhouse effect it is due to the sun.

    It makes sense, the sun is the ultimate source of all of our energy.  Studies have shown that the effect of sunspots much more closely correlates to the rise in temperatures.

    The other planets in our solar system are also warming.

    All this data points to the sun as the source for our current warming, and what about those ice core studies?

    Here are the results of the ice core studies they show a very cyclic effect in regard to global temperatures.  The global warming crowd also argues that weather disturbances will become more likely but the actual numbers show no increase.  Oh and the glaciers, they have retreated and advanced every year since the earth began, they melt in the summer and build up in the winter.

    2.  The IPCC,, is the main source of data for those in support of global warming, and has been very controversial.  In a prior report a graph, the so called “hockey stick” graph, was shown to be forged.  A reprint of the report had to be issued but the damage was done.  The fake graph was the main point made in the report, all data rested on its accuracy.  When an independent review took place the data used to make the graph was shown to be made up, that’s a fact even the IPCC admitted the fraud.  Now allegations have been made that the IPCC has censored the report and refused to take scientists names off the contributors list.  Contributing scientists have alleged that their passages, which were critical of man-made global warming, were taken out of the report.  15 passages in all are alleged to have been cut from the report.  Scientists have also said that their names are on the contributors list even though they left the committee after finding their objections to global warming were ignored.  These scientists left the committee but the IPCC refused to take their names off the contributors list so that they can claim all major scientists agree with them.  The IPCC is a heavily partisan committee that went into session fully knowing that their report would be in favor of global warming, any scientist who disagreed was censored.

    3.  Computer models are predictions; they are based on hundreds of assumptions.  If even one assumption is wrong the whole model is incorrect.  Every computer model is based off the assumption that man is the main cause of global warming, which if you’ve read the above paragraphs, should be questioned.  Another disparity occurs in the amount of CO2 released, most models have two times the amount of CO2 being released than is actually seen.  You may wonder why these programmers are being so bold with their outrageous assumptions; the fact is these models predict the climate 50 to 100 years from now.  These programmers will be retired or dead before their models can be proven accurate or inaccurate.

    4. This is the most blatant lie made by the global warming crowd; there is no scientific consensus on this issue.  Here are the names of over 17,000 scientists who disagree.  This lie of scientific consensus is purely propaganda meant to make you believe without evidence.  Consider for a second, what does scientific consensus mean?  This may sound silly but imagine that all the scientific community got together and decided that humans can fly unassisted, does this mean it’s true, no.  Science is not politics, issues are not voted on, and truth is not based on which outcome is most accepted, if it was we would be the center of the universe not to mention the earth would be flat.  Those were the scientific consensus of the time, but experimentation has proved them to be wrong.

    5.  A recent poll has shown that only 8% of the population believes that global warming is not man-made.  Everyone else believes global warming is man-made and this will affect the world either in this generation or sometime soon.  This accounts for the support of politicians and CEO’s.  Politicians see their constituents believe global warming and the politician jumps on the global warming band-wagon to get votes.  CEO’s and presidents of corporations also see the poll data and try and get customers by pledging their support.  Price differences between stores are often not that great, so leaders of these corporations want to gain customers based on “morals.”  Scientists love the global warming hype; more and more funding is being poured into various institutions for scientists to use.  Scientists find applying for grants easier with this increase in money.  Scientists can get media face time and get studies published before moving on to their real interests.  You may wonder why so many ordinary people believe in global warming even though all the evidence disagrees.  The fact is global warming dissenters are ignored.  The media airs only stories in support of global warming; many people don’t even know that there is a legitimate opposition to global warming.  And the claim that the only people who disagree with global warming are paid by oil companies is unfounded, its mudslinging.  That claim is just as founded as the claim that all those in support of global warming are paid by the major environmental conservation companies.  

    The global cooling scare can show where this is current scare will take us.  If you don’t remember this scare I’ll explain.  In 1974 scientists were convinced that the globe was cooling so fast that we would soon enter a new ice age.  The media portrayed it as fact, committees were put together and came out with the global cooling conclusion, a scientific consensus was called.  Ordinary people were scared that the world would end and what happened?  We now have global warming a 180 from the ice age we were supposed to enter.  Global warming is the exact same scare as global cooling.  You’d think that people would have acknowledged global climate cycles by now.  

    6.  This claim has been made more popular recently; it’s called the preventative principle.  This may seem to be the end all global warming argument.  However this statement just conveys ignorance.  You, in your rich country in your house or apartment and on your computer, will not be affected by the precautionary principle.  These changes to alternate energy would apply worldwide, and it is a fact that these energy options are currently much more expensive than coal and oil.  Take Africa for example, a continent made up of mainly third world countries.  How do you expect the poorest people in the world to ignore their coal and gas resources in favor of very expensive alternate energies?  They can not afford it but the UN via the IPCC expects them to switch over.  Also the US alone spends over 4 billion dollars on global warming research, that money could be much better used to promote any number of charity programs.  

    If you read my post or watched the video you should at least have been prompted to take a fresh look at global warming as an unproven theory.  It is no lie I do not believe in man-made global warming, my purpose in writing this is not to completely convince you global warming is false.  I wrote this to wake people up from blindly following the global warming crowd.  I urge you to look at global warming and take in consideration arguments made by scientists who oppose global warming.  Your time, vote, money, and liberties are being taken in the name of global warming.  

    Start with these links:

  18. If everyone does one little thing to save energy or reduce pollution we can get better environment and help save the planet. It might not be enough if we don't take more serious look at the source of the pollution which should be led by the government.

  19. Total apathy interspersed with occasional twinges of annoyance at all the fuss and a kind of resigned feeling to the whole thing.

  20. 1.  No one has proven that man is the source for global warming.  

    2.  I am worried that any scientist or group of scientists would declare that the science is clear, no more work needs to be done.  It is appalling that science could be bastardized in this way, but that is what happens in group-think situations.  The close mindedness of scientists and some of the climate blogs (especially is astounding.  They have closed ranks like the pro-choice and pro-life camps have on abortion.  Any deviation from the consensus is to be punished swiftly and harshly.

    3.  Any treaty that exempts China (predicted to over take the US in CO2 emissions as soon as this year), India, Brazil, Mexico, and the other rapidly expanding economies is a treaty to be defeated and held up as a laughing stock in diplomatic circles.

    4.  All of these tiny "energy saving" things that people always suggest will do NOTHING in reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.  As the oceans warm, they emit far more CO2 on a yearly basis than all of man combined.  It is ridiculous to think that by changing our tiny percentage of emissions that we could dramatically alter the climate.

    5.  As more and more science begins to roll in, grudgingly in some journals, we are beginning to see that there are many questions that need to be revisited.  We also see that there are new things that are, as yet, unaccounted for in the climate models (the effect of cosmic rays on cloud formation being just one).  

    6.  The models used in the IPCC report are sketchy, at best.  As you add more and more variables to a model, the more likely that model is to be incorrect.  Then facotring in the various corrections (fudge factors) and you can see a climate model that will predict virtually anything the modelers want it to.

    7.  The IPCC shoud be regarded with great skepticism.  They accepted Mann's Hockey Stick Graph without question.  This graph was then proven to be statistically invalid and unsupported by actual data.  Any group that knowingly accepts such shoddy work and then doesn't care when the fraud is exposed is not to be trusted as a good source for information.

    8.  Group think has over taken some of the most prestigious journals in the world, as expressed in this recent paper presented at a climate change conference in Brussles:

    9.  Let us note that the attempts to "fix" global warming are all statist in nature.  Statist solutions rarely work and generally tend to make things worse.

    So all in all, I am deeply annoyed at the constant alarmism of the global warming crowd.  I am even more deeply annoyed at their insistence that the science is settled.  

    It is like the perfect storm of anthropocentric egotism, small mindednes, and over dependence on government have led us to the point where people are actually willing to destroy entire economies and doom billions to death by halting any and all economic growth in the developing nations.  All to fight a problem that is poorly understood, at best.

  21. Cad has covered this on his 360 blog I think it will help save us all.....Its called "Global warming the truth"...Everyone should read it..  It has been endorsed by the Green party and Tony Blair....Read on.

  22. Same answer I gave elsewhere

    There's a lot of hysteria about global warming.  It exists; either because of sun spot activity, sun's orbit around the sun or just natural weather cycles over 1000's of years.  But I don't think it's because of man plus I don't think there's much man can do about it.  

    I'm just not convinced man's contribution to CO2 gases is an issue in global warming.  I still think the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is minute (<1%).  This is mainly caused by emissions from the sea (and volcanos!) and outstrips anything that man have ever contributed.  

    However, pollution itself is a nuisance and affects all our health and well being.  I think people need to eradicate this but this is a separate issue to global warming.

  23. personally I think all this talk about global warming is a load of nonsense I don't think it is happening or if it is it is not as bad a all the politicians etc would have us think i personally think it is just part of the natural cycle of nature and there is nothing we can do about it it doesn't matter how much you recycle etc that just makes the politicians feel better the polar ice caps for instance have always been melting and then they reform it was said a short while back that the snows of mount Kilimanjaro were melting due to so called global warming but now it has been proved beyond all doubt that they are not and that is just one instance

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