
What are your hopes for your children ?

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And will you be disappointed / mad if they didnt do it

I want my daughter to go to college wait until she has children and make something of herself. doesnt everybody tho! =)




  1. Everyone wants the best for their kids college blah blah blah.

    but isn't the most important thing that they are happy?

    i think so, whatever my boys aspire to become from a binman too a lawyer, and a stay at home dad too a footballer, I do not care as long as they are happy, life's too short to spend doing something you are not 100% happy with isn't it.

    we should all be able to say we love our jobs i can say i love being a mum and my parents are so proud which is great as there is nothing worse than growing up feeling pressured by your parents.

    My Friend from school was so un-happy as her mum wanted her too dance and had taken her too lessons every day, she hated them, but was too scared too disappoint her mum, which i found terrible. I would hate my boys too feel like that, i love them no matter what they do.

    don't you???

  2. All I want for my boys is their happiness. My mum used to push me into being this and doing that, and I just rebelled. The pressure of having to live up to those expectations just crushed me - I was more than capable of it, it just made me feel trapped, and therefore not want to.

    So I will encourage my boys to get as much education as possible - depending on their ability and what they want to do in later life, I will teach them to be nice, respectful people and then let them make the rest of their decisions themselves :)

  3. Well, I think every parent wants the best thing for his/her children. I just decided to have one hope at a time. My son is into the Autism Spectrum, so I just hope my son start talking & get him potty training. Of course!!! I hope he would turn to be a regular guy when he gets older... I think it's not so much to ask for...

  4. I want my children to be healthy. I also want them to pass every exam they take and go on to university and to get a good job. I also want them to be good at a sport

  5. for my children all i really want for them is health and happiness, i don't really care about college, careers or things like that as long as they are happy and healthy i'll be happy, if the college and career happens then that's a bonus but i won't be pushing them into it, it is entirely thier choice

  6. Well, it will have to be my grandchildren now - children all doing fine at present Alhamdouallah -

    Id like my grandchildren to have  a safer environment, less pressures in life - to have good health and family support   and if they want to marry/co-habit   then to have a reasonably happy family life......

  7. All I really want is for our daughter to be happy in/ with her life and to be able to "take care of herself" financially (since we won't always be here to "help out").

    Of course, I hope that she continues to be the loving, caring, sensible, responsible individual that she has become. Since she has a good head on her shoulders and a great heart, I think she'll do just fine.

    I would love for her to really explore her many creative talents, but what she does with her life now, at 20, is entirely up to her.  

  8. Health and happiness sounds good. I want them to do what makes them happy. It is not for me to decide what that is. College would be nice but it is not the end of the world if they choose not to go.  

  9. Happiness and healthy...  all the other stuff would be great too... career, children, love, finacial freedom.

  10. A decent college, a decent life and secure income, safety.

  11. I want them to be good, honest people and make good decisions for themselves.  

  12. I want my daughter to choose her path in life and overall to be happy in it.

  13. I would love my twin daughter to go to college get a nice job shes happy in find a nice person to settle down with ..And Thomas pictured left i would just love and hope that one day he would be able to talk to us and find something he would like to do to the best of his ablilty  

  14. I just hope my children make a better life for themselves than I did. I don't want them to make the same mistakes as I did.  But whatever they do in life, I will support them and always be proud of them.

  15. I want her to grow up in a happy home with a lot of siblings, for her to be healthy and have a good education and have a good job! :)  

  16. I want my girls to get an education, be happy and be successful in whatever they choose to do in life. So many people in this world are unhappy with who and what they've become and I don't want that to happen with my kids. What would make me unhappy is seeing them makes me feel like I didn't do all I should/could have done as a mother and that drives me crazy!

  17. My wish is that my kids use the intelligence and opportunities given to them. Later u realise, u do not have time for any extra curricular activities or that if you had absorbed your education better u would have been far better off. I do not want them to have regrets later.

    My kids do not seem to be taking it in.  And I let go cos I do not want to pressurise them. but yes, I am disappointed . I am only keeping my fingers crossed that they finally turn out successful.  

  18. I just pray for mine to be happy with their choices.

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