
What are your impressions of Head Start?

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My son will be going to Head Start this fall. He's three. For anyone with experience with it, what did you think? What did you like or dislike and why? Any good or bad experiences you can share? What kinds of academic things do they work on?

He's my only child and I'm getting apprehensive and a little nervous about sending him to school. :) Thanks a lot.




  1. each head start has its own personality even though it is all funded through the government. each teacher is different but then the whole school is on the same page also. every lead teacher must have at least one assistant and they must have thier associates in early childhood which takes two years to complete.

    they all have a circle time to work on the weather, handling feelings, counting to ten and beyond, shapes or colors. they also do lots of songs like 'days of the week, months of the year and along came the alligator for counting down and learning hand signs. the curriculum that they use is called the creative curriculum which focuses on peer learning from each other and the enviroment rather than just sit and listen to the adult type thing.

    the class that my son was in actually worked up to letter sounds on majority of the children and then there were some who werent ready and  that was ok, it wasnt pushed.

    the teachers are required to make two home visits with you to discuss what your expectations are for your child and headstart is a big advocate for getting the family involved in your childs education so you are welcome anytime to stay in the room with your child as long as you want and build volunteer hours.

    they also have centers where the children in small groups play with each other and are teacher directed in how to problem solve and be creative, and then they are rotated to another one.

    the teachers also have to eat the meals  with the kids and model good nutritional choices and encouraged to try new things and model proper table manners with a group.

    they are also required to spend time outside on the play ground and then they also have quiet time and if the child doesnt rest then they dont have to sleep just lay quietly for thier friends. the day goes by really fast and its meant to keep them busy and learning.

    I had 2 children that attended headstart and I didnt find anything about it that I was'nt satisfied with but then I found some parents that wasnt happy but then you cant please everyone so the experience is individual.

    I hope this has helped some.

  2. My personal opinion is that Head Start is over rated.

    It's pre-school.  Yes, they have some special ways of doing things, but so what?  All teachers bring something different to the classroom.  All pre-schools are different.  I taught at a Head Start and a "regular" pre-school, and really, it's all the same.

    My personal opinion is that 3 is too young to go to school alone.  The "Mommy and Me" type classes are better for socialization and activities.  If it was me, and I was able to stay home with him another year, I would.


    Please, no hate mail.

  3. It's like any other Federally funded program. Some are excellent, some not so good. Hiring is somewhat political in some places, but standards for teachers have been made tougher. There's lots of parental involvement which sounds good on paper but sometimes is destructive. Each program is different. Visit the program and see if it meets your needs. The emphasis should be on learning through play and, particularly for 3's, learning to get along in a group.  

  4. I loved my daughter going to Head Start.  The first year they only go for about 3 hrs but if you are working they can also go to the daycare at the school.  That kinda teaches them that it is ok to be away from mommy for  a couple hours.  They learn their alphabet and numbers, they also learn to share, they teach them about nutrition in cute little ways and also get them to try new foods.  My daughter did not eat broccoli before head start and now she loves it.  In the second year they go all day and they learn so much more.  I feel my 9 yr old daughter is advanced now because of going to Head Start.  What state are you in?  She went to one in Texas.

  5. Head Start can be awesome!

    Hopefully, the center that your little one will go to will be great.

    I'm not totally sure what curriculum they use, but I'm sure it's the basic pre-school stuff (colors,shapes,numbers,letters) along with social interactions (sharing and all that stuff)

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