
What are your most creative excuses for ignoring scientific warnings about Global Warming?

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I think the best excuses are those that seem to make sense to people with no technical background, who haven't even looked at the thousands of scientific papers that have been written on this subject. What can you say to them, to get them to tune out the warnings of the US National Academy of Sciences, say.




  1. Grizzly Bears put a giant heat lamp  near the ice caps because they were jealous of the Polar Bears. Every since, the world's been heating up a bit.

  2. Thousands of scientific papers that get a grant = money for scientific funding for the same comedians that were warning of an Ice Age some 30 years ago. GW is a convenient truth that can be used to explain almost anything. If they could link GW and Terrorism the governments of the World would be peeing in the air with delight.

  3. Which warning?     Used to be warming - then it stopped warming.  Now it's "climate change."

  4. When I see the leaders of Global warming changing their life styles, I might take a look at this seriously. But with Mr Al (global warming) Gore still flying in his private jets, Driving his Limo's, using more energy than any 20 average American citizens, living in houses that 3 families can live in any one house, how am I supposed to take it seriously. Also  scientist cannot get together and agree on the subject. Libs want to point out the 100 that say it's real, but ignore the 300 that say no way.  

  5. When our "guru of green" Mr. Al Gore practices what he preaches and sets some kind of example along with others of his kind, we might take global warming seriously. Until then, I don't give it much thought!

  6. The degree of uncertainty expressed in the IPCC reports, are extremely creative. That leaves you with measuring and monitoring, not creative speculation. You have to read these in a well lighted room. Using discretionary judgment and not blind acceptance.

  7. The most "creative" excuse for most people on Yahoo! Answers seems to be that the sun is responsible for recent global warming.

    I put "creative" in parenthesis because because people who say this really haven't looked into this issue at all. The sun maybe responsible for 99.9% of the warmth on Earth, but it is not responsible for the recent increase in warmth.

  8. Might the lack of enthusiasm for human caused change on the part of well read and educated people be because they read real scientists not political ones like Those of the NAS and IPCC that sold their souls to the oil companies. Arctic ice did not melt as predicted again this year, sunspots have still not returned and solar science is getting very worried again as they did in the 70s about a quiet sun.

  9. I also don't believe that my REASON..... not 'excuse' .....for paying little attention to the so-called scientific warnings is very creative. It is simply that scientists have provided no scientific proof....... only conjecture.

  10. I don't know that it is especially creative, but I just point out that around 10,000 scientists (and counting) have now signed a petition challenging the concept of man made global warming. At the very least, that tends to leave them sputtering long enough for me to leave.

  11. How about the fact that no matter what happens it only proves global warming is occurring.  Not to mention the fact that most of the supporters are the same sheep looking for any cause to hate mankind.

  12. How creative is this one?

    I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S @$$!

  13. It's cold in the winter so global warming can't be true!

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