
What are your opinions about seeing the school counsellor?

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Everytime i go to see my school counsellor,i feel very jugded.It seems to me the majority of people think seeing a counsellor makes you weak or some kind of weird,troubled person.After a session,today ,one of my classmates asked where i was and when i told them they said i was a "problem child".I know they were just playing but i want to know what other people think about seeing counsellors and such.

1)whats your general opinion about the issue?

2) did/do you ever go see a counsellor?

-if so did you find it helpful?

-if so do you ever feel weak,weird or ashamed because of the stigma that surrounds it?

thx =]




  1. My opinion personanly, they don't always help. They usually end up makeing the situation ten times worst. But they can be helpful at sometimes.

    I have seen a couselour at my school several times. They seemed to be most helpful when my parents began fighting. But every other situation is just pointless to go to them. They just either don't help or they get some one else envolved.

    I'm not sure what the word  stigma  means. But if you mean did I feel ashamed of what I did, then yes because I feelt like I was selfishly sneaking around trying to help myself.

  2. i need to talk to him sometimes, but hes a f*g and will never talk to me, inless i have no problems at that time wtfb

  3. 1) i think that some people may have a very good experience with a counselor, and others may not.

    2) yes, i did, and it was because she thought i liked to hurt myself, but i was  annoyed and  i felt very horrified that she would just throw that at someone based on a comment i made about being careful when we used sewing machines in home ec.

    3) no, it wasn't helpful at all. i felt very ashamed to have to leave class to go speak to her every day for a week, when i really had no issues whatsoever that i needed guidance on.

    4)i don't think it was because of it, but i have much less respect for our counselor now.

  4. I think councellors can help a lot of people...I had one and she really helped me deal with issues when I was in high school, and yeah, sometimes I felt weak and kids bothered me about it, but I believe I'm a better person now then I would have been if not for her...Just remember, she's trying to help you as best she can...

  5. well, i never went to a school conselour, but they help. my friend goes there and itz been helping her a lot in school. past bullies and bad kids and regular classes. going to a school conselour is no big deal. hope this helped.

    good luck


  6. 1)  I think if seeing a counselor helps you, then its something helpful--it is a positive thing

    2) I went to see a counselor once.  A friend of mine was in a very toxic relationship that hadn't escalated to physical abuse just yet, but he was making her miserable.  I went to the counselor for help, and in the hopes that she could help my friend

    It was very helpful, my friend was able to go in and get a grasp on what was wrong in the relationship.  She eventually cut it off with him

    I got called in several times, to inform my counselor of what was going on from a third party point of view. We ended up talking about me for about an hour--it was really fun, i like talking about myself.

    She said i was very well adjusted and mature for my age.  So im probably a little different from the other people who go in there, but at least they are getting help, you know?

  7. Well Honestly I think It is always good to find someone you trust to talk to.If you feel you are being judged my advise would be go to someone else. You can go to your parents trust me I had issues with this but know I'm a mom so I know I want to be a friend and a mom and would love nothing more for my girl to come to me about everything. Also if you find a church they are great their are Pastors youth leaders all great people that will listen without judging you. I go to a Christian church. I know you don't know me but If you need someone who will listen I'm here

    God bless

  8. yes, people will start labeling. But dont worry, its usually the ignorant ones.

  9. Don't let people bother you with what they may think of you as far as seeing a counselor. However, I saw the school counselor in my school days and didn't fine it helpful, so I sought a counselor from outside of school. Let your parents know you would like to speak with one, they could find you one. Also that way, no one needs to know about it. I never like going to the school shrink either not only b/c it felt weird but they aren't nearly as helpful as the counselors outside of school that are associated with an actually help center/ counseling business.

  10. back when i was around 14 years old i had many problems where i needed to see the school counsellor and there was no way that i was going to talk to her because i felt like it had nothing to do with her and that she didnt know anything about me therefore i didnt have to tell her, so she suggested that maybe my friend come with me and then i might talk and so i took my friend along to the next session and it was a lot easier to talk about it.

    1) i just told you that

    2) yepp i used to

    - in the end it helped a little

    - nope i just felt that i knew more about myself than they would ever know.

  11. seeing a counsellor is normal, tons of kids do it. Some kids don't need to/ don't have anything to talk about, others feel the need to share their feelings with someone other then their friends, who won't judge them/or tell their secrets. A counsellor is there to help you, I have alot of friends who go to counsellors and they enjoy what they get out of it. I don't have time in my day unfortunetley, but it's a great thing to take advantage of.

    as for feeling weak and such, everyone feels that way sometime and if you are'nt willing to feel that way, maybe your not ready to really dig down and deal with your worst problems. Vulnerability can be a good thing.

  12. they are great that is what they are there for u name it ive been there for it ... it also is good cause in the long run they know u so they can reccomend you to colleges ; i dont know what problems you are facing but if u cant talk to your parents or friends counse. are there and are  helpful/

  13. This school year, I started going to see my counselor a lot, because of problems going on with my family and friends. I usually went around second period, and that class, I would get the note to go, and my friend in my Drama class would ask me what it was. I would tell her, and it didn't seem to be a problem to her. If it's a problem with your friends, you could start lying, and saying you go somewhere else, like, to the principal, because your mom called or something. But I found it very helpful, my counselor was nice and thoughtful and very warm and never laughed at me or made me feel stupid.

    If your friends laugh at you, maybe you should tell them you're not a problem, you just have some issues that you want to talk about to someone.

    Sometimes, I would feel weak, because I felt like I had problems, but I realized everyone has problems, and nobody's life is perfect...neither are your friends, no matter how much they make fun of you.

    Good luck!

  14. Are your counselling sessions helping?  Then keep going.  

    I saw a counselor and it helped even though people thought I was weird.  But now I'm an adult and because of couseling I'm pretty normal...and I never see those people who made fun of me.  

    So I guess my advise is: life is what it takes to be healthy in it and don't worry about what others think about you, because pretty soon they won't be in your life.

  15. 1) When I see kids going to the counselor, I don't think anything bad about it. They could be in trouble or they could just be going through a tough time, or for any number of reasons.

    2) Yes, I went a couple times. In seventh grade I was forced to go because these girls I used to be friends with convinced the teachers I was on drugs and refused to eat so I had to see the counselor for about a week. Then in ninth grade, my parents were going through a rough breakup and a lot of stuff was happening and when my teachers told me to go the counselor I really didn't want to. I did find it helpful because most counselors just sit and listen and give you boring advice, but mine was this twenty five year old girl that was really real and called me out on stupid things, made me laugh about them, gave me real advice, and she was really a good listener, which is what counselors do best, they offer themselves as someone to listen. I wasn't ashamed or anything, because everyone at my school loves the counselor.

    Hope I helped and didn't bore you =p

  16. I find that often going to a friend whose judgement I trust helps a lot more then going to a counsellor I hardly know.  If you feel that your counsellor helps you, though, ignore the stupid stigma.  It never helps anything.

  17. No, it's completely normal. Especially for high school kids, seeing a counselor is very important. I'd probably be screwed about college if I hadn't gone.

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