
What are your opinions about this "phenomenon"?

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  1. Usually (if not always) the person who is practicing xenoglossy is speaking an out-dated form of the language--for example, one may never have been taught French but one can speak it--yet, only in its 16th century form.  This aspect of xenoglossy lends credence to the theory of reincarnation.  In the example I gave above, the one speaking the 16th century French in modern times may have lived in France during the 16th century.

  2. There are only a handful of instances of xenoglossy mentioned.  One was a girl singing a song in a language in which she had no formal training.  I can sing French songs and I don't speak French.  One was of a guy whose foreign language ability disappeared, so you can't really speak to the veracity of that claim.

    This so-called phenomenon is touted as proof of reincarnation and past lives by those who believe in reincarnation and past lives.  Extremely rare, unsubstantiated and unstudied claims don't fall into the category of evidence as far as I'm concerned.  That doesn't mean it isn't legitimate, but given the rare instances no one can really make any claim one way or the other.

  3. Wow, that's amazing! But I think the scientists would have to document it very carefully to get it accepted by the general populace.

    My opinion? I reserve judgement until I actually talk to someone who did xenoglossy or observed it.

    But even if it was a fluke of the brain -- the gal watched Swedish CNN in the hospital, and some part of her brain accessed that -- it would STILL be amazing! It takes years and years of study for most people to master a foreign language. Learning how to trigger that "instant" learning would be a huge help to many people. In fact, it's so amazing that reincarnation would actually seem to be the simpler solution . . . .

    P.S. OK, Xenoglossy may or may not be evidence of reincarnation. BUT, people use it (or fake it) in order to trick other people, in order to satisfy some need they have, etc. I think your example of people being cruel to you about it is a case where they were probably not guided by God. Or any notion of God. They were just getting their kicks by setting themselves up as Powerful Tongue Speakers, and being mean to you.

    You have to be careful, and listen to your inner heart. If it seems right and true, go with it. If something seems wrong, get out!

    I mean, science is generally accepted as being "right." But some people distort the studies to rationalize weird diets, money-making schemes, etc. Anything can be perverted to bad uses. If someone is asking you for money in connection to xenoglossy, run away! If they are making you feel bad, run away!

    But if you feel like they are helping you understand it in a kind and loving way, go with it.

  4. I believe it is quite possible as your soul remembers everything you've ever experienced. You just don't "actively" remember it as you wouldn't necessarily be able to acclimate to your current lifetime and deal with all of your *stuff* if you held on to another lifetime.

    This phenomenon is not so odd to me; what I would caution against is the "speaking in tongues" that some certain religious groups practice --- they essentially are 'inviting' entities to speak through them; not necessarily S-M-A-R-T and they don't' even care who/what it is they just think its *cool*.

  5. sh*t happens. Many things cannot be explained. reincarnation seems a logical excuse. depends on your belief system. different strokes etc...

  6. Reincarnation happens!

  7. has nothing to do with reincarnation

    has difretn explanation

    aquired before birth, or special  brain types,  posetion by alien

    entitines etc

  8. I don't know enough about this to have an informed opinion but I thought you might the links below to be of interest.

    I do think it interesting and think it worthy of study even if it turns out to have a normal explanation.

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