
What are your opinions of the Jena 6?

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What are your opinions of the Jena 6?




  1. They beat the guy badly, they should get something for it, but the punishment (jail sentence) they are about to get is too excessive.  Totally unfair. It's high school, fights break out all the time when students are provoked in the worse possible way (in this case - the nooses, the racist taunts).

  2. Having grown up in New Orleans, I'll just call it a continuation of the status quo among the working classes.

    As long as we can be baited into hating and fighting each other over minor differences, the upper classes maintain their power.

    I am old enough to remember seeing the "Whites Only" and "No Colored" signs.

  3. The race pimps over reacted, the prosecutor over reacted, the school did not punish the white students enough, and the 6 black kids were thugs. The ringleader earned his punishment. The press did a bad thing also. Where was John McWorter, and the Reverend Floyd Flake? We got the pimps instead.

  4. punished but not serve any jail time

  5. The prosecutor was wrong to classify them as adults. The rest of the circus, is just typical Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton BS.

  6. Anyone should only beat another if they truly felt threatened (that would be justifiable), but if the law there still orders some form of punishment for that level of battery, they should be tried for it and if convicted, serve the punishment.

  7. When will it end?

  8. i think it's unfair and very prejudice. those boys were just using self defense. what, did people actually expect them to stand there and get shot by that white guy? i would have jumped him too!

  9. This will only end when a line is drawn against race based practices.  The City of Jena allowing this to occur only reiforces the reality of hate stands strong (in Louisiana for sure) and in America.  This is clear even at this level, given the responses to this question and others (about this situation).

    It is and unfortunate yaet real state of affairs.  **The most horrible part of this, is that these people do not see themselves as bigoted or racist.

  10. the Jena march ought to be about the disparity in the legal system from the disparity of MONEY - the disparity of sentencing comes from the differences in WEALTH - not race

    look at OJ and the getting away with murder because he could hire so many lawyers

    the civil rights leaders are using race when race isn't the issue - but i guess it is easier to blame than money.

  11. The charges of attempt murder seems pretty steep for a school yard fight.  I could see assault, but charging a 16 year old kid as an adult for attempted murder when the victim was not seriously injured is not a reasonable charge.

    It reminds me of the Duke Lacrosse incident, with an out of control prosecutor.

  12. The same Losers who are crying for lenience would be the same ******* who would scream for "blood" if it had been 6 whites badly beating a black!

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