
What are your opinions of the allied situation in georgia, russia?

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posting youtube to me means zip cuz i cant watch it for one thing and well alot of the stuff on that site is meant for media showbiz if u know what i mean so had to say nay to yah there chris.




  1. Just facts: Russia did not initiate military action.  Georgia's forces has bombed and destroyed the region's capital and 1400 civilians in just the 1st day.  There can be no justification for that.  DO NOT forget this point. For the rest, see the videos below.

  2. It is none of our business, Georgia attacked 1st and now they will pay for their mistake


  4. yea nobody really cares. we have enough problems here in america to worry about crappy country's like Georgia.

  5. If we are going to attack Iran we cannot waste anything over Georgia.

  6. you did the same in Kosovo so whats the problem with Rusia?

  7. If the US had not invaded Iraq, then the Georgian soldiers stationed in Iraq would be in Georgia right now defending their home country. As it is, the US had to fly the Georgian soldiers back to Georgia from Iraq. The US really messed up by going to Iraq. Although I think Russia is wrong, the US is in no way able to criticize Russia over its disproportionate response. Iraq did not even do anything to us at all and we invaded it. I would defend Georgia but we can't now. Finally, when something important comes up we s***w up. Thanks a lot to the Republicans in this country.  

  8. The conflict definitely looks to be US and Israeli inspired.

    The creation of the conflict in Georgia is intended to block Russia from materially supporting IRAN during the impending invasion.

    Israeli military advisors were involved with the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia {pop 70,000}.

    On 14th July Georgian & US troops started a joint military exercise.

    The OSSETIANS speak ossetic, an Iranian language. They're descended from Iranian tribes of Eurasia.

    They became CHRISTIANS during the early middle ages.

    From 1922 Ossetia was part of the USSR.

    Many of them would have Russian passports. Unlike Kosovo, the US will not support an independent South Ossetia. No need to ask why the US media is so biased on this issue then !!

  9. Russia think they ar eagain in the XIX century, They triying to conquer georgia like they didi at the begining of the XIX century and then again in 1921, now they are bombing the whole georgia to make peace.... In the whole battles for this week more peaceful citizens outside the conflict zone died than in georgian soldjiers.... russian aren't stoping bombing with 0.5 tones bombs....

    I'm sure this will end soon but the people ar deing...

    And for thos who says that says that georgia has made ethno cleaning.... read the history books.... ethno cleaning was made by russians in 1990-1993 years when they killed and pulled out georgians from this teritoris (I mean south ossetia or samachablo and abkhazia) about 400 000 georgians were pulled out and died in the mountinth when tring to survivie from russian soldjers.... but then georgia was a new country and the world don't bother big russia... they didn't want to make troubles with russia for the small country.... I hope the situation will change

    There two kind of war in georgia now information and war with weapon...

    In this whole week russian officials and TVs as wel as other information centers are broudcasting dedsinformation......

    And by the way georgia hasn;t startied the conflict now too.... Ossetians (but in reality russian ,,peackeepers") were bombing from artilery georgian villages near tskhinvaly.... after some warnings georgia started to neitralize this agressors...

  10. What's wrong with breaking away from a country, other than the loss of a government revenue source?

  11. Georgia began the ethnic cleanings ossetic, Russia decided it to stop, now Russia aggressor as usual shorter

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