
What are your opinions on Mcain's vice, Sarah Palin?

by Guest64040  |  earlier

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I am an Obama girl all the way, just curious....




  1. As a former Mayor and Governor she actually has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, and Bidden combined.  As a mother with five kids she also has experience dealing with the kind of personalities she will encounter in Congress and the Senate.  Maybe the plan is for her to help McCain learn the ropes of actually having to run something rather than just compromise and cut deals.

  2. never heard of her

  3. I think she was an awful choice for VP. If McCain were to be elected and died in office, which wouldn't be shocking because he's 72, she'd take office and frankly, I don't think she has the experience, ability or brainpower to operate our country. She wasn't a senator, she was a governor, and not only that, an unknown governor of Alaska. How in the world did she get chosen as VP??

    Plus, she's MEGA anti-abortion, more so than McCain. She doesn't think anyone should be able to get an abortion, even if the mother's life is in jeopardy or she got pregnant as the result of being raped. Apparently several Supreme Court Justices are getting up there and are on the brink of retiring. Palin would nominate supreme court justices that would overturn the Roe vs. Wade supreme court ruling in favor of abortion.

    She's also not wild about the environment and I think she was only chosen by McCain to attract voters because she's a woman and a very conservative mother.  

  4. While I'm happy to see a woman on the ticket of at least one of the major parties, my response was, "who!?" when I read that John McCain chose Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate. I guess this is his attempt at pandering to disgruntled female voters, but come on. I decided to look up her brief and self declared "conservative republican" voting record and found little more than the following:


    Pro death penalty

    Against same s*x marriage

    For drilling in ANWAR

    Wants to lower healthcare regulations

    Lifetime member of the NRA

    The only foreseeable positive that I would imagine resulting from this choice is the fact that Tina Fey could pull off a badass rendition of her!

    Obama-Biden '08!!


  6. Gonna put a hurt on more than a few Dems when they see the game she brings.

  7. Well I don't know how much you know about McCain, but he pretty much preaches that obama shouldn't be running for president of the united states because he doesn't have enough experience to do so. Meanwhile, he picks Sarah Palin as his VP. Barely anyone knows who she is, she has little to no experience, and it just makes McCain look like a hypocrite and an idiot as well. So my opinion is that he must have been thinking that he might get all the hillary supports votes if he picked her as VP. In my opinion that's pretty wrong ..

  8. Like her alot.

  9. Obama who?  Notice nobody talking about his speech, now they are once again talking about his lack of experience.  As a result, I'd say she's doing alright so far.

  10. Performance-oriented executive




    No-nonsense public servant

  11. Romney. =(

  12. Vice just might be the right word. I hear they do a lot of wife swapping up there in Alaska. It is kind of an Eskimo tradition I was told once.

  13. Sarah who? She's a nobody. This election will be a piece of McPie. Yum.

    Obama/Biden 08'

  14. She is no Hillary Clinton and not even in a same league. And even though she is a woman, she is no champion for women.

    Here is the info on her stand (or lack of it) on the issues:

    And here is what Alaskans think of this choice:

  15. Weak pick. McCain's got some 'splainin to do.

  16. Obama is tanking and JOE Biden is not helping him with the *bounce*

    so John McCain pulled the rug out from Barack Obama and made the

    women of this country take notice

    I think there will be considerable change in a lot of votes

    This is a close election and no matter who wins

    it won't be by a landslide

    It all depends on so many factors..but if the candidates don't

    do or say something too stupid will be anyone's victory

    Both sides have good men and a women running

    I would not like to bet on the outcome of this election..not now

    It is OK to be an Obama girl but Obama did great getting this far

    in the you have to convince the 69% of the "silent

    majority" of the voters...and this is who will determine who wins.

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