
What are your opinions on Stephenie Meyer not publishing Midnight Sun.?

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I think i just died alittle, and then came back SERIOULSLY ANGRY.

I could say more, really, but...

anyway, what are your opinons. and read what she put




  1. i know.dude someone hacked her computer and she feels "violated" so shes not publishing it.

    well she may not.

  2.    i totally agree, instead of dying i released all my negativity on my friends.

       I think it would've  been smarter 2 keep the copy 2 yourself but S.Meyer also should have been more careful, i am extra upset because after the highly anticipated Breaking Dawn, i was not impressed and thought it was a humorouserous joke rather then then the novel iv been waiting what waht had seemed like years and then 2 give up on the people (fans), who supported twilight the whole time, by not publishing the novel i personally have been excited about the most just leaves me in a state of confusion if Stephanie really understands (fyi: it is her fault in someways).

       I did read the first 12 chapters Midnight SUn when she publicly posted it on her homepage. But to not publish, not even finish the draft is like pure anguish on the fans part- im going insane! But just because im not agreeing with Meyer doesnt mean i support the people who donloaded and posted it first- if it was intentional 2 illgally do that then what they did was very wrong!


    OH and 4 Stephanie Meyer, i already had a space for Midnight Sun on my bookshelf, thanks alot...  

  3. well.... i dont think i am as disappointed as i could have been because there was no release date and it could come out at any point. but i just had lots of anger at the people who leaked this! why would someone do that? and i understand how she doesnt want to continue

  4. My heart hurts I was so looking forward to reading it I think the people who did this should be ashamed  

  5. im so upset...sometimes people just go way too far....its such a shame!!!

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