
What are your opinions on Steve Irwin? (croc hunter)?

by Guest55612  |  earlier

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What are your opinions on Steve Irwin? (croc hunter)?




  1. He was a totally over the top, yobbo wanker. He and his awful family between them have set Australia's image back 50 years and now he's not around, I wish we could see the back of that over hyped, precocious kid and his grasping, self serving wife. Irwin's father was/is the real deal and what's been done to him since Irwin's death is an appalling disgrace.

    I'm constantly amazed at how many people have been sucked in to the whole "Irwin is a wildlife saint" thing. He tormented defenceless animals for money and publicity and if the wildlife ever benefited, it was good luck rather than good judgement.

    "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword" was ironically appropriate. I now believe in Karma.

  2. when he was alive i thought he was a wanker

  3. I can't say that I liked him much. But this new american guy Cromwin or something like that is even worse. At least Steve knew his stuff. This cromwin guy did a thing on Australia and said while looking at a koala that it was Australia's emblem espcially qantas. I mean OMG can't he tell the difference from a small grey koala in a tree and a big red Kangaroo.

    Anyway steve over did his on screen stuff. I thought he acted like a tool most of the time. BUT!!!! He did heaps of stuff behind all that I will always admire and remember him for that. All thye TV show's, adverts and movies I will try very hard and shut out from my memory.

  4. i think he was more into the publicity

    you walk into his zoo and all you see is giant pictures of bindi - everywhere. bindi this bindi that, bindi's big smiling face plastered all over every available piece of wall. kinda off putting if u ask me

    sure he was great with animals, and it was a tradgedy when he died, but he lapped up the attention thats for sure.

  5. I don't have a problem with Steve Irwin.. I think he was a great embassador for protecting wildlife.. It was a great loss..

  6. When he was alive I was embarrassed by his antics. He presented himself as the quintessential Australian and nothing could be further from the truth. He treated animals badly in the cause of self promotion and I'm glad that it was one of them that got him in the end.

  7. I could never watch him he was too over the top for me taunting animals for entertainment sake....hence the stingray.

  8. He was good on tv my family always watched him on tv till he died and we were very sad.

  9. Steve's heart was in the right place but for me he was a bit full on.  I thought that to get the audience going he bordered on aggravating the animals for an effect. Possibly why his tangle with the stingray was fatal. He just pushed it too far.

    However his conservational efforts are unquestioned in my mind.

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