
What are your opinions on Triple H?

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Great Wrestler?

Awesome Mic Skills?

What are your opinions on Triple H?

Star Please!




  1. I ******* LOVEEE HIM HE IS MY FAV!

    Overated: No

    Great Wrestler: 5 stars

    Awesome mic skills: OMG 5!!!!! *****     watch that and laugh!!

  2. Good mic skills and always been a good wrestler

  3. Not overrated but he is overused. He is always brought into every main-event storyline .

    He is a decent wrestler

    He has great mic skills

    Opinion: I think he gets his way around somethings b/c he is the boss's son-in-law

  4. No...not of the best ever.  Maybe a little over-selfish, but not overrated.  So yes...great wrestler...classically trained by Killer Kowalski, a legend.  Mic skills?  One of the best, even if he does get more than his share of airtime.    He can be hilarious, serious, and outright intense.  One of the best ring entrances ever also.   He's a wrestling political genius.  He knows how to reach his goals, and he does what he has to.  It's all about the Game, and how ya play it!

  5. funny on the mic a good wrestler but a little bit overated and i'll star.

  6. not over rated

    hes a awesome wrestler

    good mic skills but better when he had SHAWM MICHAELS!

  7. STAR!!!

  8. solid wrestler

    awesome entrance

    great dead pan humour

    would he be the top guy if he wasnt married to a mcmahon???? in a word NO!

  9. not overrated - just overexposed & used. wins the title like every 6 months.

    highly above average wrestler.

    funny as h**l on the mic.

  10. descent wrestler gets stuff handed to him because he is vinces son in law . he has had 12 titels in his carrer  thats ric flair status and only a few people ever are better than ric flair. they had that vince hates tripple hhh storyline that was to cover it up  that tripple hhh gets titels handed to him. he has won two titels in around 8 months . he shouldt have that many titels until like two from know . he will loose at summerslam because he has to take care of his newborn vince will make a storyline that tripple hhh and wont b make for 4 months and then get moved to raw.

  11. He Sucks..................Sucks!

  12. Over used like everyone else is saying..he's always in main events and in the center of attention, but he has been in the business for a long time so I guess thats fine, I think he's better as a heel

  13. he has great mic skillz and is actually a great wrestler, he is just to overused in the wwe they try to use him to his fullest a little to much. If they just toned down how they used hhh, and they didn't have him winning the title so often, people would see he is a amazing wrestler, and he really doesn't need to be related to the bosses daughter to get a title. So triple h has...

    great mic skillz

    is a great wrestler

    but overused by wwe

  14. great mic skills, decent wrestler, but political SOB

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