
What are your opinions on abortions?

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What are your opinions on abortions?




  1. Well Ill go 1st

    I think its more unfair to bring and unloved - unwanted child into the world than take the  moral guilt free path.

    I have had friends that had had abortions best choice they made for their personal situation, however they still think about the decision they made and its something they always will have to live with.

    Each to their own - but I don't agree with having more than one - its last choice option NOT a contraceptive.

  2. this is ridiculos, i wish they would stop asking about abortions on this site god!!! clearly if were pregnant we are against abortion

  3. i think it sucks and it is sad but when the child or mother is not going to make it then it has to be done that is my opinion

  4. I think this is the wrong place to ask this type of question. Terminations are a personal issue between a woman and her GP.

  5. a womens right.

  6. The persons own choice. But I would never ever have one. not unless the baby had something SERIOUSLY wrong with it. If it was a fact of me dying, I would not care as long as they could save the baby.

  7. If you want PREGNANT women's opinions on abortion, search and read what other dumb people have asked!


  8. Murder

  9. If you've gotta do it, you've gotta do it...

    If you haven't, don't. Simple.

    What's the point of trying to bring up a future child in a situation you couldn't handle? You'd just be compromising their up-bringing, education, health, and all the alike.

    I'm sorry, but it's just true - the whole feeling sorry for a miniscule blop of cells doesn't compare to having an un-happy future child.

  10. Never do abortions!!

  11. its jus messed up!!

  12. If it's right for you and you can go through with it and it's what you want, okay. I personally would never have one, but I'm not going to tell anyone else what they should or shouldn't do.

    Oh and I have a child and I am 5 months pregnant with my next and I am still not against it. It's just not for me. But I think people should have the choice.

  13. Well if any one has done abortions I am not judging them this is my opinion. You should be responsible for your own actions of having s*x to early and not using protection or not doing birth control or any other thing that could have preventing pregnancy if you weren't going to be able to take care of a baby that the way it needs with love,joy,happiness and care for it's a lot of needs.If you did get pregnant and you shouldn't of then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption that is the best. Abortion is killing a poor helpless fetus. I look at it as the baby didn't do anything wrong it was you. It is technically murder I think as it but if you have to do and it is the only choice then do it but think very carefully because you may regret it later. So be wise when making such crucial decisions that can affect you and your baby later on in life.

    Good Luck!

    Hope I have helped.

  14. too each there own.

    what some feel is right, others feel is wrong. i think if you use abortions as birthcontrol its wrong...if they are used medically, to save a life for example they are ok.

  15. visit the following url

  16. honestly i hate it when people do abortions there is other things that can be done instead of killing a human being.... if you dont want the kid because u were raped or somewhere on that lines then give them up for adoption there are people who cant have kids and will be greatly appreciated if you gave them one to raise.... if you get pregnant and all of a sudden dont want it then why even open ur legs.... if it was a mistake give the baby up for an adoption abortions are not birth control and i think they should be illegal......

  17. I don't think its a good thing and there is so much of it going on now, just think how many fetuses or embryo's that the hospitals around the world throw in the bin every year!

  18. I think that ppl shouldn't get abortion cuz its there fault for getting pregnant and should live with the consequences.

  19. I really don't agree with them, to me, its just murder, killing a life. If people don't want to get pregnant then they should learn about contraception

  20. i think if you are adult enough to lay down then you should be adult enough to raise your child and not kill it. its not the child's fault you got pregnant and if you dont want one use contraception to prevent pregnancy

  21. repost in the politics section, this is way over asked on pregnancy

  22. I think it is an extremely difficult decision for a woman to make, but that it is the woman's decision and the government and everyone else should stay out of it.  This doesn't mean I think it is right, or wrong, just that is no ones business except the woman, and her doctor.

  23. They should be done sooner.

  24. Pro Choice.

  25. Well I don't think killing a baby as a means of birth control is ok... I know i couldn't live with myself if I had an abortion. Everyone has their own choice. Mine is that it is wrong!!!

  26. This topic gets my blood boiling in most cases. There have been alot of questions about abortions lately. Too many careless women out there who cannot own up to their "mistake" of having unprotected s*x, so they turn to killing that poor innocent baby. It doesnt matter at what stage the pregnancy is in. Killing is killing.  

  27. If it's for no good reason, apart from if the mother will die or the child will die then it's MURDER!!

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