
What are your opinions on becoming veggie-tarian?

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I'm beginning to come one, but I don't know....




  1. do it only if it's for the right reasons.

    nothing annoys me more than when people just become vegetarians to fit in, or be cool- or whatever.

    i'm vegetarian, just cuz I really love animals, and i'd rather not eat them.

    simple as that! ;D

    or some people do it to be healthier, which is also fine.

    however, being a vegetarian, i've gotta say- be one!


    hope i helped!

  2. God created everything for us, fruits, vegetables, meat, sea food, its all for us, so use it, eat what your body is made to eat

  3. GO YOU!!!! Becoming a vegetarian is not only good for animals but it is also good for your body. Most meat is kept in grotesque conditions. You don't wanna be eating it! I've been a veggie for a while now and I don't ever wanna go back!

    Who says we just eat salad. We are totally misjudged. And I agree don't do it just for fun do it for a purpose, because you want to help animals.

  4. Well it depends what you want to do. I honestly would never become one because I love meat, but it also depends what your reson is too.

  5. I think its great; but you have to decide what you want.. nobody can answer that question for you. I am not 100% vegan and eat white meat rarely. I like the way my body feels light and energetic after a couple of days of vegetarian food... Becoming a vegetarian does not mean you  need to survive on lettuce, there are a lot of great tasting vegan foods available from many cultures (mexican, Indian, Italian, etc..) across the globe. Don't cut out eggs, milk, cheese, etc.. you need them to balance your body's nutrition..

  6. Awesome! Think of all the animals you wont have on your conscious by not eating them! Let alone your own health will improve especially if you eat natural and organic things as much as possible its your life and your decision so even if people have negative things to say just tune it out and know that your feeling good about yourself wether they support you or not!

  7. i think its great you wanna get involved! becoming a vegetarian is one of the best decisions iv ever made. it really makes a difference. when you become a vegetarian, youll save over 100 animals a year. every person makes a difference. so when and if you get started...which i hope you do, the best place to start is to stop eating poultry (chicken, birds) because theyre so small, the need for their meat is greater. then work your way up or you can just stop eating

    meat all together (thats what i did). its also healthier, if you do it right. when you become a vegetarian, you have to replace iron rich foods with meat, or you'll get sick. iron is very important. iron rich foods include tofu, veggie burgers, soy milk, pasta, almonds, raisons, some cereals, and be sure to take vitamins! i hope i helped you make your decision (sorry this answer is so long)    (:

  8. I think it's a great idea! It is also perfectly healthy and you will be helping not only animals, but the enviorment as well. According to Dr. David Brubaker, PhD, at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for a Livable Future, “The way that we breed animals for food is a threat to the planet. It pollutes our environment while consuming huge amounts of water, grain, petroleum, pesticides and drugs. The results are disastrous.”

    It is also quite healthy:

    “Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”

    --American Dietetic Association, June 2003 position paper


    If you are bored with the same old meals and want to try new recipes, check out this website:

    There are also many meat replacements out there that can help you on your "go veg" journey :D

    Here is a list:

    Basically these items taste like the real thing, look like the real thing, but they are fakes...very healthy fakes! :)

    Also when going vegetarian, it's important to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein. Here is a list of foods that contain protein:


    black beans

    brown rice


    garbonzo beans

    kidney beans


    lima beans

    peanut butter

    pinto beans




    sunflower seeds

    textured vegetable protein


    veggie dogs & burgers

    Congrats and hope I helped :)

  9. it's great. becoming vegetarian, i thought, was the best decision of my life, of course until i became vegan! it's a very good thing to do, not only for animals, but for yourself too!

  10. just do what you believe, you dont have to eat meat and you dont have to not eat it for the animals to be honest i think it tastes rubbish!

    its not unnatural to be veggie, some people are just different than others and feel meat is unessary for them to eat meat.

    If your feeling forced to do it . . then don't, its probably not for you.

    good luck anyway

  11. Dumb, especially if you're a woman trying to conceive. Nothing wrong with limiting meat content in your diet, however DO YOUR RESEARCH. Your body requires certain essential amino acids to work at it's full potential, a few of which are only obtainable through animal sources or supplements. Don't just go and cut out animal products all willie-nilly and end up with a random deficiency 2 weeks later.  

    I personally say if you have to take supplements, it's not a healthy diet.

  12. dont do it! its is unatural to be a vegan we wouldnt be the same humans we are today if our ancestors and their ancestors before them ate lettuce all the time. for one it goes against your instincts and two...there aint much you can add to a carrot to get that deliciousness that you get from from a nice, big, juicy steak or burger...stick to being an omnivore

  13. It sounds good and everything, but I love meat!!!!

  14. I am vegitarian and becoming vegetarin shoul be a personal choice. At the beggining it is really hard and you have to know what you are doing or your nutrition levels aren't going to be good. But for me, it was one of the best deicisions I have ever made. I haven't been one for very long(haha like 9 months I started at 13 I'm now 14) but I'm happy I'm not contributing to huritng animals. So do what it best for you.

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