
What are your opinions on getting a car this way?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to start college and I need a car bad. I've saved up as much as I can. So when I found a 98 Nissan Maxima GXE on Craiglist for only $1,950 I was thrilled. That's within my price range. Sure the car has 125K on it, but its ok. I only need it for a couple years until i can buy a new one.

I emailed the person about my interest and I find out its in another state. However, they are willing to ship it for free and everything. And she's not going to make me pay until I see and test drive it. What do you think about this? I would hate for them to send it and I don't end up wanting it ya know?

I'm gonna talk to my dad when he gets home from work and ask him about it. He'll most likely put a kabash on it, but I'd just like to know your opinion. Thanks.




  1. hi,

    right well has she asked for any sort of deposit? it is very odd that she would offer to send it no charge  (sounds like she really wants rid of it) so i would be very weary of this.

    but it is a japan car so the engines are very well made and its a 98 so that's good,

    if i were you i would email her telling her that by no mean it is a final sale by her shipping it!

    hope this helped.

  2. This sounds very generous of the seller.  Too generous, but you never know.

    However, listen closely - do NOT send any money until you have seen the car and decide to purchase it.  Or you can place the money into an escrow account of YOUR choosing, NOT the seller's.

    There are a number of scammers who use eBay.  This may or may not be one.  And bogus checks which look real are another scam. Don't let them bait you with any check to cover expenses or anything.  Just be careful.

    If you do get to see and drive the car before you buy, get a Carfax report to make sure the title is clean.  Make sure it's not a flood-damaged vehicle.  

  3. You looked on Craigslist and did NOT look at the scam warning plastered across the top of the page???

    My faith in humanity wanes exponentially as a result.

  4. That a known SCAM on Ebay and Craigslist. People don't send cars for free for you to look at. Also its priced to cheap and there going to use Ebay  protection service, Safe Pay Or some other nice sounding pay service. Believe me when you send your money it will be gone and no way to get it back. Look on yahoo answers or google scams and see. Please don't send your money. They will keep telling you anything you want to hear to get your money and information. Run its a SCAM and cut off your contact with seller. He don't even own the car he got the info off another ad somewhere. STOP.......ujn

  5. THIS IS A HUGE SCAM - stop corresponding - this will never happen

    Let me see here

    She is out of the country, but needs to sell the car right away. You will deposit the money with an escrow service (fake) and she will ship the car. Heck, she'll even pay for shipping right? Once it gets there, you will have 5 days to inspect it. If you are happy, notify the "escrow service" and they release the funds to her. If not, refuse the car and get all your money back. She is so sure you will like it, she is willing to pay for return shipping if you refuse the car.

    Its a scam - its been here a hundred times. Avoid it and buy a car you can see, feel, drive and inspect first.

    here is someone who got taken in - do not put yourself in that position;...

    Here is another;...

  6. that is really nice of the seller i would say go for it but test drive it, haha it would kinda be messed up if they come and your like, uhh nevermind haha

  7. Its a scam... No One is going to ship a car for free,Why would they advertise the car in a state they don't live in? There probably isn't even a car.Don't believe any of it...

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