
What are your opinions on the Utah Jazz?....

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I'm from Utah and I want to know what people outside of the state think about the Jazz.




  1. they always compete. i'm a big jerry sloan fan. hated stockton and malone, just because i used to live in denver and they would kill the nuggets all the time. but as i got older i really do respect john stockton... malone... eh... no i still don't like malone. as for the current team, they play hard and have a lot of talent. i don't know if they win a ring with okur manning the middle. i don't like his game and i think he takes far to many 3's. boozer is good, but he hasn't really impressed me as the main man on that team. D WILL is awesome! that guy has the guts to make the big shot and the right plays. i love watching Williams play.

  2. I think they just need a good center. Other than that, they're pretty much set for a long time.

  3. hey I'm from utah and the fans arent racist they have some black people and the are good ive ade season tickets for 2-3 years and sorry that im not from out of state

  4. i love them and im from houston. i go to the games in houston and i get booed at for cheering for the jazz.

  5. If that Cancer chant story is True then to h**l with utah, I didn't know mormans were so Hostile. But i think the Team is Good, very good actually Boozer and Williams  are like the new age stockton and malone ALMOST not quite there yet.

  6. They are a boring team to watch, but on the cusp of being serious title contenders

  7. the jazz are good. they have a chance of going 1-6 in the seeding at least.

    but their fans are kinda rude. but hey its part of the game, you hate the winners when you lose all the time. haha. go spurs go

  8. Jazz are one of my favorite teams. They are good and very balanced  

  9. DWill is one of my favorite players.  They are a great home team and a slightly above average road team.  They disappointed me big time with their lousy showing vs the Lakers last year.  I thought they had a team that could challenge them, and they completely sucked.  Why can't they peform in the playoffs?  I like the team, but aside form DWill they were all a bunch of chokers.  Plus they own my Warriors, which makes me even more pissed off at them.

  10. i think they are a very good a solid contender but dont see them getting pass the lakers, Hornets, and Houston

  11. Thier good...Deron Williams is a beast. i think hes da numba 2 PG in da league after Chris Pual

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