
What are your opinions on the four stone baby in Colombia?

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Its on Yahoo news.

I'm totally shocked.




  1. I am absolutely appalled at this 'news story' it constitutes as child abuse.

  2. What was in that mother's milk - Double Cream???

  3. Doctors think it is a thyroid problem . A very serious disease in one so young . Lets hope they get it sorted out  

  4. Disgusting, very cruel

  5. It appears to be a medical problem...thyroid related, so i don't know why so many people seem to be assuming its a cruelty issue.

  6. Dreadful!

  7. The article says that he seems to have an endocrine problem - where his thyroid gland is not working properly and therefore he had grown far to fast.

    I can't say that I am shocked although I would be if he was just obese.

    Lets send up thanks for the good old NHS as this problem would have been diagnosed sooner than 11 months and hope that the doctors can do something to sort this out and ease the inpact on his body and organs.

  8. As bad as kiddy fiddling.

  9. I'm not quite sure what you mean.

    The baby is obviously ill and needs all the help and sympathy it can get.  

  10. It is a medical problem and it must be terrible for his mum, how on earth can she keep picking him up and cuddling him as he is too big but needs his mothers touch. as for the idiot who said child abuse you obviously don't have a clue as what you are talking about.

  11. Having seen the circumstances that the family live in and having many Colombian friends I imagine that the family are seeking publicity to try and increase the potential help for the baby.

    It would seem to be a very distressing medical condition. I hope the baby is treated soon.

  12. It is very sad that such a young baby is suffering from this most debilitating of ailments, however nothing to do with the parents.

    There is treatment for the condition but not necessarily in Columbia.

    I thought that you might find this of interest.

  13. Obviously there is some kind of medical disorder.  He is not the first one.  I've seen this type of disorder before.

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