Since I'm not a car expert and have little to no knowledge on cars, I would like to ask your opinions/ reviews on this car. I spotted several imperfections judging from the pictures displayed. I've noticed there were 13 recalls. Also I have found 21 records on this car according to but I did not purchase the vehicle reports. They also did not report the mileage. Overall, is this a decent car for its price or will I run into problems in the near future? I'm just taking this car into consideration.;jsessionid=Jq0uTROw44r8Vh4oIwZstdB?tab=summary&paId=273581002&recnum=23&actLog=true&tracktype=usedcc&pageNumber=0&numResultsPerPage=50&largeNumResultsPerPage=0&sortorder=descending&sortfield=PRICE+descending&certifiedOnly=false&criteria=K-|E-|M-_18_|B-5000|D-_214_|N-N|R-50|I-1%2c7|P-PRICE+descending|Q-descending|Z-32904&aff=national
I appreciate your time and help, Thanks in advance!