
What are your opinions on this g*y rights issue?

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To summarize what the above link is all about:

"When a high school senior told her principal that students were taunting her for being a L*****n, he told her homosexuality is wrong, outed her to her parents and ordered her to stay away from children.

He suspended some of her friends who expressed their outrage by wearing g*y pride T-shirts and buttons at Ponce de Leon High School, according to court records. And he asked dozens of students whether they were g*y or associated with g*y students."

Basically, the Principal conducted a modern day witch hunt.




  1. As soon as I saw the words Florida and Conservative, I knew that's why. I'm in Massachusetts where g*y marriage is legal. I think this is wrong and the Principal should be fired. It's not his place to tell her his attitude and opinion. That is not his job. His job is to protect all students essentially and he discriminated against her and basically validated the other students' opinions. He set a very dangerous precedence. He needs to get a grip and recognize that it's 2008 and not 1990.  

  2. I find it interesting that the principal was said to have lifted the shirts of FEMALE students to see if the letters "GP" were on their bodies. Why did he not also check his male students? Not that he should have been checking either gender, I just think the guy's an obvious perv.

  3. That was disgusting and I think he should be fired and never rehired. A principals place is not to force his personal opinions upon his students. It was innapropriate and harmful. No matter what we each think of homosexuality... that principal was out of line. What a bad role model. I wish that people like him would never have the chance to have any power over children.

  4. Really!!!, whoa!, how can someone do such a thing, in protection of an Innocent child. So, you think is inhumane to protect a Child from a g*y a/o a L*****n?

    Where you a child once, don't you remember your own innocence's, or you already lost it?.....,Jesus said : "Everyone that intent to harms this Innocent children's doesn't deserved to be a life" Those words will stand forever.

    The bases of Humanity and the bases of the good health, of our Body, spirit and mind, is base in the conditions that humanity was create to procreate healthy Humans, that can reproduce and grow to achieve and pursue a better raze? A raze, which could lead every other raze, entity, living being or existence into a better life, that is : "The Human Raze".

    g**s and lesbians don't know that, they have lost their Innocence, Physically, spiritually and mentally?, because they have already lost part of their mind, and tinted their spirit, not to mention degraded their own body, because of their illegal sexual practice in the eyes of God. I hope you don't see the possibility to be lead into a better life, by some of then, there is God Law, and a Universal Law, before man's Law.      

  5. He should be burned on a stake like a witch :-)

  6. He belongs in prison with attitudes like that, for the safety of the community.

  7. its only love. I wish people wouldnt overreact with such things.

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