
What are your opinions on war?

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Some are against, some are not.

What is your opinion?

Please explain why.




  1. Everybody is against war.

    Some people are pacifists. They believe it's better to lay down and die than to fight. Now imagine that every human being in the world is a pacifist--except one. That one person will go around taking control of everyone until he is the leader of the entire world. And if you stand up to him with only words, you die.

    Some people believe in defensive war only. They believe that the only valid reason to start a war is retaliation for an attack against your country. Now imagine that there's a dictator in another country who hates your country. He expects to destroy your country one day and spends his time building up his army so that he will have the power to defeat you when he attacks. You sit around and wait for him to attack, because it's wrong to attack first. One day, he does choose to attack, secure in the knowledge that his superior forces will overwhelm yours. You counter-attack, but it's too late. The time he spend building up his army has made him too powerful to defeat. Your country loses and is sucked up into the empire the dictator is creating.

    Some people believe in preemptive war. That you should remove a government that opposes you before they have the power to defeat you. So when a powerful dictator comes into power with the hopes of destroying your country, you attack first. That country's allies then counterattack, and you end up fighting them as well. If you lose against their allies, your country may be lost, and if you win, your allies are angry with you for attacking first.

    And some people believe in any war that helps their country be more secure. So when you notice that several countries in the same region all begin developing attitudes against your country, you attack and replace their governments with yours. Therefore, if the powerful dictator comes into power, you can attack him first and he will not have any allies to back him up. Your allies will be very angry with you though, and you may lose them because of your attacks.

    The US government is somewhere in between the last two. It works. The hard part is finding a perfect balance between diplomacy and warfare so that allied and neutral nations won't get angry with you. Yes, there are countries that say they believe in defensive war only, but those countries generally hide behind more powerful ones.

    Everyone would love it if we never went to war. But it's an unrealistic goal, and if nations pretend war will never occur, they will fail.

  2. War is business.  War is started and ended by men in secret rooms, not in presidential meetings.  War is horror, war is death, war is the cries of a woman and her children as they are killed.  War is patriotic, war is brave, war is necessary, war is senseless.

    As long as there is war, then there are independent thinkers.  As long as there is war, there are sheep led to the Killing Fields.  War should not be death, it should be heated argument, and a d**n good Presidential fistfight.

  3. ITS HORROABLE,but somtimes its necessary,sad,but true.FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!!!

  4. Never heard many people say that are for war in general; some need to be fought for a good reason and many others are fight for bad or false reasons and others for reason at all.  War is a necessary evil as long as evil exists; to not fight that is to be a slave to others whims who would.  Those saying they would never fight for any reason are saying is that important to them.  Most people are in the middle will fight when pushed or go to war when pushed but don't like it or want it.

  5. How many times

    Must the cannon balls fly

    Before they're forever banned

    The answer my friend

    Is blowin' in the wind

    The answer is blowin' in the wind

  6. What is my opinion on the wars?

    First of all we are only in one war and that is the War Rep's cut and run from and let Al Qaeda, Bin Laden and the Taliban grow stronger  Pakistan.  That would be Afghanistan

    The invasion of Iraq is not a war it is an occupation of Iraq.  We have no rights to be there and know that we are the Iraqi gov't told us to leave and we need to leave.  

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