
What are your opinions on zoo's?

by Guest61467  |  earlier

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now i think for breeding and then releasing is ok and keeping of small animals yes. But keeping large animals in small enclosers is wrong.safari parks i again think ok but whats your opinions.




  1. Most animals in zoos today are endangered species from ruined enviroments and are mostly born in captivity, injured or orphaned. Animals live 2 and 3 times longer in a Zoo. Like us, It is easier to eat and live when your needs are taken care of.They are giving the Best Care Possible.

  2. Our local zoo - Colchester, Essex is quite brilliant.  They participate in all sorts of conservation projects - preservation of species at risk - and their elephant rhino giraffe roam parks are huge.

    An urangatan occupies a place larger than my house and hugely amuses 1,000s of visitors - he's bit of a show-off - and would probably punch your lights out if you tried to transport him

    back to the jungle.

    By which I mean - a well run zoo is a credit or advantage to all species - including humans.

  3. Oh, this is a hard one.

    I think it's great when they bring in an animal where they've saved it, and then keep it with them because they couldn't go back in the wild etc.  But then, you have zoo's where they don't look after the  animals properly.

    That's all I'm saying on this, becasue I think this might turn into a HUGE debate !

  4. I have two minds abouts Zoo's, on 1 hand they are great for education, children get up close to animals that they would never be able to see before, only on the TV. but then like you say, keeping a large animal enclosed in such small cages isnt fair at all, taking them away from their natural habitat cant be a nice experience for them.

    I recently went to Paighton (cant spell it sorry) zoo in Torquay and it was fantastic, my kids had a great day and so did i, but i did think that a few enclosures were far too small for the animals to live in, like the birds for instance, whilst its nice seeing them they dont have the freedom to do what birds do, fly around the world.  

  5. i think they are good for seeing animals and for kids but some of the ways certain amimals r kept is disgraceful.  

  6. My Granddaughter recently went to the Santa Barbara Zoo, and fell in love with penguins, some thing she would never have been able to see otherwise.

  7. some zoos are very clean and take great care of the animals in it. others are dirty and do not take care of the animals. i love the zoo in my local area. they take in animals who were/are injured and make a great, loving, and caring home for them. they are clean and great!

  8. I went to a zoo a while ago and I was not impressed. I know that they care for the animals, but if you really look at them they dont look happy at all. The elephants were standing there as though they would have rather died... their enclosure was way too small, and they seperated the mother from the child. I dont see how people can love to go to zoos, dont they see the pain in the animals eyes. I am not a big animal person but the look in that animals eyes was so sad, and helpless. (yes, I know many people disagree) I am not against rescuing animals from the wild and then taking them into zoos to keep them alive, but I dont think that these animals should be put into cages like that... anyway- that is my opinion.

  9. In my opinion, it depends how to zoo treats the animals. If they treat them good, and help svae endangered animals, then good for them and well done. If they however neglect animals and treat them badly I would have them shot ;)  

  10. i don't know if i got this but, I think its fine for them to be in small enclosures just as long as they take care of them and not neglecting them. Does that answer your question??

  11. I think it is wrong to keep wild animals enclosed but I would rather see them alive in a zoo then dead for some poacher to kill them for their tusks or skins.

  12. Great place to visit but I would hate to live in one.

  13. I believe that a good zoo can be of tremendous value to the cause of conservation and education.

    Many zoos are now actively involved in breeding and study programmes which may well help to prevent the extinction of some rare species from the wild.

    However, there are some zoos which exist purely as a kind of 'freak show' where animals, often badly housed and cared for, are exploited degraded. A zoo which exploits animals solely for the purpose of making money or 'amusing' the Public should in my opinion be shut down.

    So i guess I fully support zoos which aim to educate the Public, carry out programmes of scientific research and provide the best possible care and housing for the animals they keep.

  14. I'm torn.  Of course I don't like the disruption to nature or cruelty, but I also think they provide 3 needed services: research, outreach / public education, and rehabilitation.

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