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what if you were the one to fall,

would I leave you there and not help at all,

I fell in love and hurt myself as I fell,

and the bruises and cuts now hurt like h***,

and the many tears stream down with heat,

and all I want to do now is retreat,

and run and keep runing away,

but the scrapes on my knees are the things that make me stay,

and I want to run so far away,

from you and all of your kindness and torture today,

but I think something is broken,

but words for help remain unspoken

you don’t listen as I cry,

so on the ground I lie,

you can be so cruel,

I am such an idiot,

I am nothing but a fool,

I have no right to love it is wrong but I hate being right,

may I always love you through-out the day,

and cry into my pillow into the night




  1. I like the poem ... Did you write it yourselve  ?

  2. I really like it, it's cool. Yeah, there are a couple of spots that need work, though. It seemed like you said "and" alot, lol.

  3. that's pretty good!

  4. amazing i like it!

  5. thats deep!!

    it shows what you feel and thats really good!!!

  6. wow, u wrote that urself? its very good. a lot of love poems are boring and just talk about how their heart is in pain but u expressed it with the entire body. it switches it up a bit. i think just to make it even more interesting put the line breaks in different places (eg-

    "but words for help remain


    you dont listen

    as i cry") but your the poet so do whatever u feel like doing

  7. Very nice work, it's just that there's too many "and"s.

  8. It's good but I would make it flow better. There is a couple of spots that need work.

  9. wow. deep.

  10. I love how your poem rhyme with each verse, but i can't really get this, the first half I love it, but the bottem, you kind of lost it.

    for the last verse, ...while I cry on my pillow and into the night...

    I write a lot of them soo your too...

  11. Hello,

    I'm not sure


  12. It doesnt matter what other people say about your writting as long as your writting.....keep it up!!!! A+

    I dont share what I write on the net, it's too personal

  13. It doesnt really flow. It makes sense, but it seems like you were trying to get a rhyme every sentence you said, also there were too many 'ands'.

  14. i'm sorry but it doesn't cut. i would try to write about something else.not trying to be mean. sorry.

  15. re-write and don't rhyme.

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