
What are your opinoins on our government?

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What are your opinoins on our government?




  1. awesome government! George Bush has done an awesome job! I wonder who will be the next president.

  2. The governemt isn't doing all that well, but nothing is really going to be done about it, none of the canadates for president really have what it takes, they're either too radical (Ahem, Ron Paul) or pandering around to everyone (Hillary, the laughing stalk of 90% of the people I know, democrat or republican).

  3. We should give our federal government as many thumbs down as possible.

  4. Time to get rid of all our current elected officials and start over with a clean slate...with term limits and salary caps for all government officials (elected or appointed).  Bring about real change in Washington.

  5. A government on its last legs, do not lose sleep over it.

  6. I am currently very disallusioned with the court system!;...;...

  7. Too bloated, too meddlesome, to restrictive. To full of itself. It tries to sell too much of its social programs and spending as "Rights" when in fact they are no such thing. Health care, education, housing, food, none is the Federal Governments responsibility outside of a true national emergency. And then, we can look at Katrina as to how well they do that. Yet, a huge number of Americans look to the government for exactly that. They are fools. People need to get their sh*t together and start taking care of themselves.

  8. Its in bad shape and getting sicker----need the 16th and 17th amendment repealed. Need the 10th adhered to. Need the judiciary reformed, and yes term limits.

  9. Which one?

    The one with the Son of God as mankind with success in honouring and worshiping God?

    The one with the Son of a dirty old man from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom as success?

    The one with the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones?

    The one with the I-Robots, the defective, malfunction humanoids?

    The one with the cave-men?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

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