
What are your options for how you want your eggs cooked at a diner?

by Guest61259  |  earlier

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I know there's scrambles and sunny-side-up. Any others and what do they look like?




  1. Well there is poached eggs and there a little bit water down in a blow still.

  2. over easy-fried, runny yolk, slightly runny white

    over medium-fried, runny yolk, firm/cooked white

    over hard-fried, firm/cooked yolk, firm/cooked white

    scrambled- you know that one

    poached- crack an egg drop into boiling water, w/o shell

  3. its not scrambles its scrambled. there is coddled ,hard boiled[in the shell], fried [not sunny side up] poached , omelete, one eyed egyptions, as in cut a hole in the bread and crack open the egg into its centre then pan fry it. you also have panfried eggs .boiled eggs  and steamed , as in cooked by the dozens in a large commercial cooker,and pickled.  method, cook eggs 7-9mins remove shell ,place in heatproof jar.  boil together , brown vinegar ,tarragon,whole black pepper corns , a little chille ,bay leaves  ,several spoons of brown sugar in a saucpan for 5 mins , while still hot ,strain and pour over the hardboiled eggs. seal with tight fitting lid. store in fridge  for several days. then enjoy.[ creates very strong wind]

  4. Well, I want a half-boiled egg. If fried, then with tomato, spring onion and also half-cooked. It,s nutritious!

  5. Well I would suggest that you make eggs benedict, it is basically poached egg ( remember to put vinegar or any acid in the water when you poach your egg ) then make hollandaise foe the sauce and match it with toasted bread and bacon if u is easy and healthy!!

  6. Hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, scrambled, omelet, over easy, over hard, sunny-side up.

  7. I don't know if it's true but I heard at places like Dennys & Ihops if you order your eggs scrambled it's not real eggs. It's the type that you already get in a carton. I'd go with over medium. Yum.

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