
What are your parents like?

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My dad was the best, and im getting on really well with my mum right now

but ive friends whose parents let them do what they want all the time, and one friend (who's 13) who stayed out all night && her parents didnt even notice, and i know a boy whose parents r always gambling, out, in the pub etc.. and are never around, i find this really weird coz my mum is always there for me, and my dad was too

what are your parents like? Whats your family like?




  1. My dad was and still is an alcoholic. He was also very violent towards my mum when we were growing up.

    My dad would never let me go to friends houses, stay overnight, walk to school on my own.

    I was his only daughter after 3 sons so he was way too over-protective.

    My mum finally left him when I was 13 years old. I have only seen my dad twice since then. I am now 23 years old.

    My mum is an amazing person. She has been there for me all my life.

    I was raped when I was 17 and she stood by me through all that. I have suffered panic attacks and depression for the last few years and she has been there. She is also a great grandmother to my 2 year old daughter and all her other grandchildren.

    My 3 elder brothers are very protective over me. They are always on the other end of the phone if I need them and ring and svisit me constantly

  2. Mine were strict and I had to be home and in bed by 10pm. This was when I was 17. Never did me any harm thought and I always kept my boys on a loose rope but I always knew where they were. Spent a lot of time as an unpaid taxi for them just to make sure they were safe and able to get home.

  3. my dads a jackass. he hasn't made any contact with me since i was 3. that 10 years ago. no cards on my birthday, nothing. but my mom is pretty cool. she gets angry kinda easily but its not that often. but she has a lot of health issues and can't really do anything so... most of my family i don't know, but my grandparents are kinda strict. neat freaks, can't seem to do anything right around them, never listen to me. all that goos junk. and my brother's hardly ever here and when he is, his friends are here, every night, and i can't sleep because of them. so basically my family's pretty messed up.

  4. their ok  

  5. My parents are loving and supportive. My dad can be alittle bossy and protective aswell as my mother, but she is less bossy and is always there for me when I need her.

  6. my mother is controliv but loves me in some twisted manner and my father pretends to be ther but is really a lying pr*ck

  7. mom-so pretty, understanding, calm, outgoing, fashionable

    and kind of bossy

    dad-fun, good person, smart, hansom, generous

    and kind of strict.

  8. well, i only have a mum cos my dad left us but my mum is at home a lot and is always there for me, she used to be really strickt, but now she has loosened up and i can go allsorts of places and have sleepovers at ma m8's houses and its great now. xx

  9. my mother is CRAZY! (notice the all caps lol) she is a little slow (like mentally she acts like a kid and has like a mind of a 5th grader [sometimes]) but other times she is smart. she is very stingy but she lets me do whatever i want and buys me whatever i want. i think she is bipolar; one minute she's be so nice then the next she's yelling every 5 minutes. but i love her with my heart even though she yells every second and drives me up a wall.

    my father died when i was 10 months old.

    but i live with my mother's boyfriend but he's nice. sometimes he's lazy (just like my mother) but other times he's funny. he acts like a little kid and it's so funny to see my mother yell at him. i can barely understand him because he is from a different country and he sometimes gets confused by our american ways. but he's cool and he buys me whatever i need.

    i have a brother that lives in another state and i only met him once at my father's funeral so i don't remember him.

    i have a sister who is 22. she lives in another town with her son and boyfriend. we are like best friends but i don't tell her everything because then she'll go back and tell my mother. she buys me a lot of things and treats me like her own daughter. we just started getting along once i turned like 12 (we are 7 years apart). before she would always tell on me and yell at me and make me cry.

    my mother used to be really mean to my sister but now we all get along after 15+ long years

  10. My parents are divorced. My dad is always broke. He does not pay child support. He lives in his studio, which he was evicted from and is now "traveling"  though I do not know the details of it. I see him every couple days, and although he is a flake, I know he loves me. He is not a good father, but he is a good dad.

    My mom works full time and supports me and the three of my brothers who live at home, two of whom are autistic. I have two older brothers as well, but they have moved out. She works hard, but gets stressed easy. She spends the weekend's at her boyfriends, so I stay home with the kids (I'm 17, so it's no big deal). I don't have a curfew on weekends but either me or my brother who is 16 need to be home at all times.

  11. My stepdad is a overly-paranoid 'dad' who thinks that my boyfriend and myself are going to have s*x any where and every where, and I have to ask him to go just about anywhere, including my cousins. My mom is a "wait until marriage" kind of mother, but other than that, she's pretty cool, even though I wish I could be honest with her about my s*x life. My real dad lives two states away, and I rarely ever speak to him, unless I'm forced to go visit him.

  12. My father; well, he treats me the way he grew up.  When he was 12 his mother died, and his father quickly remarried, and moved out.  Leaving my dad with his grandmother.  (My dad was the youngest of five children).  He had to get a paper route, and began supporting himself. Thats how he treats me, he doesnt help my mother out one bit, by buying me clothes or anything. (my parents are divorced) He thinks child support is it, and hes done.  He's always judging me too, because I dance and run track. He feels im not getting excerise and im going to be fat (because for many years i was overweight) and hes critisizing me, forcing me to play sports, im not good at and have no interest in. But my father basically lets me do whatever I want.

    My mother; well, shes just a perfect one.  Lmao.  Hmm. Well, for starters she's a bipolar *****.  

    When I was 5, she married Scott; and alcoholic, druggie.  Which, is what he turned my mother into.  

    When I was 6, they had a kid, Julia. When I was 7, they bought there first house together.  (before we lived in an apartment).  

    Since living in that house, Scott became physically abusive.  

    To me and my mother. He called my mother names, (she is a bit overweight), he used to push her into the dinner table, knocking over chairs, he once tried to push her down the stairs, but she managed to break away from that.  

    Scott used to drag me across the floor, pick me up, then throw me into my room.  

    The look on his face, the sound of his yells, still haunt me today.  

    Scott, wasted all our money at the bar, hed be gone at 2 days at a time.

    And at home, he and my mother would basically abandon my sister and i, in the basement for almost 3 days, theyd be smoking and drinking and whatever else, im not sure.  

    Finally, when i was 11, my mother did the right thing, she took, me my sister and herself, to my grandmas (where we still reside im 13 now).

    She filed for divorce and got it.

    Now this is a question that i always ask myself,

    "Isnt a Divorce when you want to end the relationship with a person?"

    Well heres why I question that, because my mom still abandons me to see her beloved Scott.

    Like she is at this very moment.

    She wanted me to come to the pool with her, where Scott would also be,

    she knows I hate this man with a passion, I bawl my eyes out, and she just makes a scene like im overreacting she says "You make it seem like hes a murderer."

    Well, in my eyes he is.

    Since the divorce, my mom has abandonded me for x ammount of days to be with scott over 25 times.

    The longest time period was 10 days.

    that was my 11th Christmas. She was gone from the 10 days before Christmas Eve!

    My mother is a *****.

    my father is a tight ***.

    What a life, huh?

  13. you are very lucky my parents were not like that at all and im not at all close with my siblings either havnt spoke with any of my family in about a year so i say you are very blessed  

  14. My dad is..strange. He yells way to much, I leave a book I'm reading on my desk, he yells "PUT YOUR BOOKS AWAY!!!!!!"

    My mom rocks and is the better cook.

  15. well i would describe my family like the Osbourne's! and i really mean that were just like em! lol!

  16. I haven't got any parents or a family

  17. My parents and family are all really closee... they never fight, etc. But... I know a girl whose dad owns the most famous strip club in our city, her mom was the most famous stripper, now they're divorced and the girl spends the weekend at the strip club. wow right?

  18. Im close to my big brothers and big sister

    I reely dont get on with my parents at all! They recently split up, my dads moved away and my mums always getting drunk && gettin arrested for breech of the peace && got done for drugs,

    My dad never calls, doesnt care bout us && wood rather he had no kidz && we seen him last week && he blanked us!

    && my mum seriously coodnt care less about the 4 of us

    Im allowed to do what i want, when i want with whoever i want

    Theres no rules, && i can stay out all night long && nobody wood notice, ive got into alot of bother but im not gonna turn out like my parents, im gonna make something of myself

  19. My mum used to be an amazing mum, she was really domesticated and awesome. Then my parents divorced, my mums now on the dole(and doesn't aspire to get off it), She doesn't cook any more its all ready meals and jar sauces, she regularly takes drugs and its not like shes my mum anymore just this woman i know and see sometimes.

    My dad never was a great parent but has always been financially reliable, he tends to bottle up his feelings which has lead to him recently being committed to a mental health hospital(yes a actual insane asylum) for the second time in his life(the first was many years ago when he tried to kill himself when his first marriage fell through)

  20. Very very good. I love them sooo much. They are understanding, hilarious, and caring. They let me do a lot of things, which I am grateful for. They get me a lot of what i want. I spent 700 dollars in the past 2 days in California. But I'm done with shopping...anyways. They are not strict either.

    They are perfect.

  21. My dad is stubborn and doesn't like me doing too much, but I think its because he wants to protect me.

    My mother gives me a little bit more freedom.  I'm more open with her, so I think she sees I can be trusted with more responsibility.

    I get sad at my friends parents who are so clueless at the fact that they are binge drinking, smoking weed, and having s*x.  Its like, pay a LITTLE attention to your children's lives.

    I have 5 older siblings who I love!!

  22. Babes,

    Why do you say "was" when you talk about your father?

    My parents, and my husbands parents were strict, fun, religious (normally so), and we did things as a family. The guys I dated were included in family activities.

    I was strict with my older daughter, but not as much so with my younger one, and they actually survived high school and college.

    You have a great-sounding family. They are a resource for learning how to live your adult life, if you listen to them and share your feelings.

    A great family activity is playing a board game on the table after dinner.

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