
What are your personal pet names for your kitties, other than their given names, of course?

by Guest58476  |  earlier

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I don't care how squishy they are, being honest, the squishier the better :)




  1. we hve 8 so this could take a while........

    mozart-mosey, mozers, stinky pu, love muffin

    boo-boo-prince a-booboo, boobers, boober fraggle,moms bb,lovee,

    squeakers-skeakey, skeakers, babyb,

    scooter-scooter-boo, cooter, cootie, loveybaby, cousin cooter, killer breath, mommy s smelly man

    tinkerbell- tinkerstinker, tinky, tinker, stinker-smell, tinker-tot

    goliath-gg,g-gers, gman,,  giant boy, heavy man


    simba-sleepy simba, mommy big kitty with the little roar, and there are millions more but i cant name them all

  2. I foster cats so have cared for a few over hte ears,, some just seem to evolve different names.

    violet became Countess Violet Elizabeth de Fuzzybum, guardian of the scarves.

    Venus - the disgruntled Puss

    Salem - the joey cat (after joey in friends he was pretty but dumb)

    Sam - The sam suit (he made his home on the top of the wardrobe and came down to eat aat night so we very rarely saw him move, we said he was just a suit tosh (his companion cat) put on occasionally.

    Bea - Beatrice von Akk (she couldn't meow, but would open her mouth really wide and make an Akk sound)

    Lilly and Tonks - the black tigers

  3. Given name = Amy

    Pet name = Dolly Dimples

  4. Ella : Ella Bella,

    Mischief : Chiefy, fatcat

  5. Grysgat - Koppie

    Ginger - geeljan

  6. kitters

    my sweet baby kitters

  7. i have got a cat called pebbles which we call miss p and a cat called scruff which then went through a change to scruffaduff which has now been shortened to just duff and then i also have a cat called whiskas which funnily enough we call whiskas lol

  8. My cat's name is Mai, however we call her loads of other names, ie Moo Moo, Monkey, Bad Cat, Scratcher.

  9. Bailey





    I call my kitten Bailey, she is turkish x breed, she has long fluffy hair, grey body with strips, white paws, ginger strip on her head to nose.. she has pink nose! how cute

  10. Skittles



    and, Pudding

  11. fur ball.

    am i the only one who noticed the beautiful Maine coon cat in her avatar? click on it, she has more pics of Gus.

  12. Our Himalyan (VERY long har) is Casey, but we call her Fluffy, Puffy, Furball and Hairball.

    Our tabby, Emmy, is very fat, so she's "Fat-fat" and "Lardarafic".

    Our other tabby, Speed Limit, is always arfing up some of his "fast food" (mice) or something gross, so he's "Barf Simpson" or "Mr Puke's-a -lot".

  13. Kodiak was quickly shortened to just Kodi--- but otherwise he is called "Poopernugget" or "Little Pooper". ):

    I also call my Newfoundland, Jack, "Bean".

  14. My cuddle cat and my Puffle kid.

    oh i also have a soft brown bundle of fur i named her Lil' Miss Meow because she wants to go outside alot.but she is not allowed!

  15. Willow - Willioh, Baby-girl, Pretty-face, Cuddles, Billy, Pilly, Pillioh etc, Minnow xD

    Molly - Molly-bear, Molly-boo, or just Boo or Bear.

    Archie - Darchie!

    Tibbins - Tibbles, Pibbins, Kibbles, Bibbles..

    Haha =D

  16. My cat's name is Orion, although with six human pets in the family, there's bound to be some nicknames:




    Stud/Studly/Stud Muffin



    Big Boy

    Little Boy



    Pretty Boy

  17. well, i call Kitty: Kitten Cat, and Fat Cat.

    i call Sasha: Sashes, Sash, Sausage and Sashimi!

    cute, huh?:)

    my boyfriend told me his cat, KC, stands for Kitty Commando.

    i call her Kitty Cat!

    (or Kitty Celulite, she is HUGE!!)

  18. "Stupid Cat!"

    Only joking / playful really, I love him to bits :P

  19. Rachael- ray ray

    Phoebe- feebs

    India- big boy

    Callie- allie may

    Pablo-Pablo Picasso

    Stormy- stormy bot

    Whitey- kisses

  20. Mungojerrie and Ruppelteaser (Given names, Mouzer and Mog)

  21. My cats are really called Bobbie & Kylie but I also call them-:

    Bobbalina, Kylianna, Princess, Cutie/Sweety pie, Pork chop, Sweet pea, Darling, Baby, sweet little girl/child, Pumpkin, Treasure,Penguin, the list is endless, its a wonder that my cats even know their real names, they are just too cute I love them to bits! People think Im crazy! lol

  22. sophia, she is huge so her nick name is  "my fat momma" and she answers to it, the pregnant cat is lily but for some reason i call her lilibetty! or sweet face cause she does have the sweetest face as she is a bit cross eyed!

  23. well my cats name is Zeus but we call him Puff-Kitty cuz he is so fluffy or we call him fluffigans for the same reason.  

  24. I call mine my inspiration and my only true love, my baby boy Sprinter-full breed Birman  

  25. Harry wawwy rarry poo. and Izyy dizzy wizzy. or my ickle kitties. also Katie bear, and Salls, and Stinky Pooh Bear

  26. I have Elliott, who I call Beany Boy, because he always sounds like he's calling for help.  It's from an old cartoon... the Beany would get in trouble and yell, "Help Cecil, Help.  And Cecil would reply, "I'm comin' Beany Boy!"

    Then there's Vincent, who we call Little Buddy or Vincent Van Goatie.

    And Gurrdy, who we call Gurrdy Girl or Princess.

  27. given name: OCRA it's an acronym.  We are engineers.  pet names however are, sweetness, puppykins, ocra-smokra; momma's good boy, sweetie-kins; pretty boys; and 'the big cat', or king of the calamarie (yes - play on words)

    given name: Rachel, changed to Slinker Belle; she is only 13 weeks old  and we have had her for 11 days so she goes by "the kitten" , slinkers, little-bit, noisey (she purrs and trills all the time.), pumpkin, princess (she sleeps on a pillow at the head of our bed, also

    'not sure your a a good kitty',

    bad kitty,

    evil? (all said very sweetly and tenderly)

  28. I have a cat called Fluke.. who is ginger.. so I sometimes call him Ginge

    I have a kitten called Munchkin.... I only call her that for the moment, I have only had her for 3 days.

    I both call them sweetie or sweet pea.

  29. Our cat is called gizmo. My hubby calls her gingle gongle or gongle dongle, lol, it winds me up

  30. Dallas is a 12 yr old Maine Coon and his nicknames are Moosh Boy (cuz he's sooo mooshable and lovey) Butt head when he's stubborn or distant, or My special little guy. Pixie Girl is a 3yr old DSH tri color calico and her nicknames are Princess, Little Miss Bitchy Pants (when she's being a grump) and baby Girl. Sophie is a 1 yr old DLH (all black and has some signs of Maine Coon traits, long fur under her feet) and her nicknames are Butter Buns (she was only 3 1/2 pounds when we found her starving on the streets and is now a VERY solid 10 pounds lol) We also sometimes call her Baby Girl, Sweet Pea or Mommy's lil angel cakes. The other name we sometimes call her isn't fit for print but that's only used when she's done something REALLY horrible (like attacking us when we are trying to groom her; she still has some feral tendencies and doesn't like to be told what to do)

    By the way, your Gus looks EXACTLY like my Dallas (cept he doesn't have ear tips) My Dallas likes to show us his belly too!  lol

  31. carzy cat (in a nice way)

    fuzz head

    tuna cat

    and potato cat cause her fur is the same color as a potato

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