
What are your plans for today?

by  |  earlier

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What are your plans for today?




  1. why this question?

  2. Starving to eat food, have to wait for blood drawn testing today.

  3. i plan to go to sleep!!!

  4. We're going camping and fishing.  We're taking our dog on her first camping trip. Fun, fun, fun. :D

  5. It's 80's day at my office, so naturally I'm thinking about taking off and getting some white castle.

    Thinking I might go get a haircut and see Ironman

    I'm going to a graduation party tonight for some law school students down in Cold Spring, KY... Lots of kegs.  Should get plenty messed up.

    I think I'll call my mom and wish her a happy birthday, shes 55.

    Its 10:00 right now... If I'm gonna get anything done I've gotta be proactive.  TO THE TOY STORE!

  6. well since im leaving for a week and a half from work i had to pick up hours and i work from 8am-9pm today and tomorrow...

    but while im here at work im playing on YA!

    eating organic fruits and veggies

    playing sudoku....

    watching tv...

    and occassionally answering the phone when/if it rings! lol

  7. Today my friend is flying out from New Jersey to come spend a week in California and I get to go pick her up from the airport.  What are YOUR plans for today?

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