
What are your plans to raise your children and educate them in best way?

by  |  earlier

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i mean, when i think about becoming parent, i sometimes make decisions on how to raise them in best way. like:

- to spend alot of time with them untill they grow up and go to college, to teach them about nature, about all the trees and plant and wild animals,

- to teach them about the importance of art and culture, to encourage them to read good books ( i gues they will thank me later ),

- to tell them about the spirituality, moral values,

- about the phylosophies in this world, about the history, etc. i want to teach them all the egyptian, greek legends,

- i want to always give them home cooked food

- i want to teach them how to take care of themselves alone

- to teach them how to cook simple things ( i consider this very important, boys too)

- to teach how to maintain harmony in a home

- i never want to criticize them when they didnt know something i never taught them

and things like that, do you have other ideas? views?

thank you :)




  1. You are on the right track.  I want my kids to grow up happy, confident, well adjusted and healthy.  I think the most important thing is LOVE LOVE LOVE.  A loved kid is a happy one.

  2. Hey.

    My mom is the best parent in the world. I am serious when I say this and truly believe she is. I love her more then I love myself or anyone else, and I think the key is that she treats us with RESPECT and she treats us like we are adults. She has never made any condecsending statement or done anything that would make us feel as if we were less than her. She is my hero, and I wish to be as much like her as I can.

    So anyway, I am going to treat my kids with RESPECT and they are going to be treated like adults.

  3. I think it's an admirable list and brillant if that's what you want to teach your own child but the reality never lives up to our idealism. I remember before I had my kids thinking I will do this, that and the other but what I didn't take into consideration is that they don't stay babies, they do grow up and have their own ideas of what they need to know or not.

  4. Your list is pretty good as far as it goes.

    There are a couple of more items that might help though.

    In the US college follows high school and kids fall into the trap in believeing that high school is the the end. Our philosphy was always that high school is the qualifier and not the  end.

    This kept their focus on the bigger goal of the college diploma. It also helps if you maintain the culture of education in the home. The culture that, one never stops learning until you die. One of my sons was shocked to find that I was taking a class and did not have to. That opportunity was perfect to point out that my formal education was twenty years ago and the technology did not exist when I was in college, thus the need for continuous education.

    The other area which I believe helps in raising children is this concept, That our greatest responsibility in raising children is to teach them how to make good decisions when we are not there.

    I have observed many many children who have been raised by parents who have detailed the rules, demanded strict adherence to them but never gave their children the tools to look at a situation and come up with the right solution when the rules do not fit. These children reach the age of 18 or 19 go away to school or work somewhere and get in big trouble because they have no clue how to solve problems. Problems will always all pop up.

    It seems to me that the biggest hurdle to becoming an adult is the ability do the right thing without being told what it is.

    Teach them how to solve problems and they will be very far ahead of the game.

    It sounds like you are on the right path.

    One last item and this is an area that many parents have trouble with as well.

    ADMIT your own mistakes. We ALL make mistakes. We should learn from our mistakes. It is far more effective to explain that our attitudes are colored by the mistakes we made and learned from than to just make a statement about it. It goes back to that decision making thing.

    Children will have a much better understanding of the human condition is they understand that the "perfect" parents are not really. It also makes it much easier to press the rules which cannot be broken except at great peril, like drinking and driving OR unprotected s*x.

  5. just go with the flow, when you try too hard you die hard so being a good parent is all about going with the flow!

    you cant control what they want to do when they are out of your home but you can help control it, an the only way would be to teah them but kids dont like to really hear too much speaches so better yet just show them, read books with them, cook with them, keep harmony in your home, go to church with them and these things will automatically be apart of there lives but just remember to keep it fun!!

  6. All the things u do are brilliant no probs

    One thing i can suggest u that take them to church and chant the prayers  daily.

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