
What are your previous experiences in the Peace Corps like?

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What do you do to get in it?

Is it free?

Is the traveling free?

What jobs like that you have been in the Peace Corps?

Is it dangerous?

Thanks. :)




  1. I'm getting ready to leave for Mali with the Peace Corps in July so I don't have a "previous experience" story but I can tell you what I know.  The application process is quite long..and can take well over a year from when you submit the application to when you actually leave.  It's taken my about two and a half years due to medical complications.  They are highly selective and you need some language background as well as an extensive resume of various volunteer experiences.  It's free but the medical process can cost quite a bit.  I think I spend well over $1,000.  They pay to have you sent to country and anything official gets paid for by them.  If you want to do traveling on your own you get to pay for it.  They have a bunch of different jobs ranging from IT people to health workers.  They wouldn't place you in a country where they think you'd get hurt.  Things do happen however.  Volunteers have been known to get killed/die but those things could happen where ever you are.  

    If you're thinking about joining definitely check out  They have tons of info.

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