
What are your real undiluted feelings about the economy? Gas? Food?

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What are your real undiluted feelings about the economy? Gas? Food?




  1. Greed on the part of the mortgage lenders. They were loaning money to people that couldn't afford to buy what was being sold. The government had a taste of what was coming in the 1970's on the oil supply but, as usual continued to do nothing but B.S. the people. Food prices are going to continue to rise because of the price of fuel and now the flooding in the Midwest. Plus the huge agriculture bill that just passed congress will take more money out of our pockets Expect the feds to fiddle faster between now and nov, while we dig deeper into our pockets to keep our heads above the water

  2. I blame most of our economic ills on the Liberal media in this country. The gasoline situation just gave them fodder to play up the doom and gloom, just a few months before a presidential election.

  3. Cash is king and interest rates are going up after Thanksgiving.

    Take mass transit.

  4. I think you can only poke a dog with a stick so many times before it turns around and starts biting.

    I'm getting really tired getting of stuck - and I am sure there are a lot more like me.

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