
What are your reasons for being pro-choice/pro-life?

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What are your reasons for being pro-choice/pro-life?




  1. Ultimately, the abortion issue comes down to two possibilities.

    1.  Forcing a woman to have a child she does not want.

    2.  Committing what a large number of people consider murder.

    Forgive me if I can't get wildly excited about either option.

    I consider myself pro-neutral.  

  2. I am pro-life. I am not worried about the woman having the "back alley" abortion, because we all have free will. Don't risk your life by having back alley abortion if you don't want to die. Take personal responsibility for your actions. You had unprotected s*x and now you're pregnant. Suck it up for 9 months and then give the baby up for adoption. I had an unplanned pregnancy, so I think I can speak on the subject. Do the right thing, and don't snuff out a beating heart. That's what it comes down to. Just because a fetus can't live outside the womb doesn't mean it's not life. If its heart is beating, it's alive, and you're killing it with an abortion. People always take the easy way out if given the opportunity. Maybe if the opportunity for abortion didn't exist, people would be more careful, or make more responsible decisions.

  3. Over population, first and foremost. Unwanted children make likelihood of criminal behavior more likely. Woman's rights. Keep abortion out of the back room. To spite the sanctimonious, right wing extremists who have been s******g us over long enough.

  4. I don't like abortion, but it happens as emal2me says, and hers is the most thought out and sensible answer to this question.

  5. I used to be pro-choice, and have always been a republican.

    About 14 yrs ago, I was driving my wife to a clinic, we were young, minimum wage jobs, didnt think we could afford, or take care of a baby.

    we stoped at a mcdonalds, and the car broke down, we were at the end of the time that its legal to do an abortion, so the car breaking down, the cost of repair, and the distance to a clinic, some 60miles, into the l.a. area was impossible without a car,  So I believe God stoped that car, he made us break down in a safe area, close to our city,

    We had our baby, and he is almost 14, and we have another boy who is 10, I'm so glad that car broke down, to think that I almost killed my son, I would have never seen him laugh, ride a bike, ect

    and we still cant afford it, but if I had to do it all over again, I'd never do an abortion, you think of that happy little face, you think of rocking your baby to sleep, seeing him take his first step, or saying mommy or daddy for the first time,,it was da-da.

    Dont kill your kid!

  6. Pro-Choice for me.

    It's important to remember that abortions go on whether legal or not. Before Roe v. Wade authorities never pulled dead rich women from back alleys. Sadly, it was always the poor that suffered. The affluent had their doctors do it anyway in the comfort and safety of their doctor’s office.

    I remember before Roe v. Wade when my mother, grandmother, and another woman were at our kitchen table. They had just come back from a funeral of a friend who was a victim of a botched abortion. With tears streaming down my grandmothers face she chokingly said, "It's a d**n shame that we live in a country where dogs receive better treatment than a woman."

    My father drove an ambulance in Washington D.C. before R v. W. He and my mother cried when it passed as it meant my father wouldn’t have to look at those horrid scenes from botched abortions anymore.

    Back then the pillars of the community always knew the abortion doctors that would do it. They made sure they were around. Not just to take care of slip ups at home but more importantly, to take care of their little secrets. The local Sheriff knew all about it too. But if he wanted to win his next election then he’d better watch his P’s and Q’s. Get it? Meanwhile, the sheriff helped pull injured and dead poor women out from back alleys. It wasn’t right that the poor suffered while the affluent didn’t. That scenario is one of many reasons R v. W passed.

    The problem with contemporary views on abortion is the element of time. People have forgotten or are too young to know what went on before Roe v. Wade. And the GOP isn’t going to remind us either.  Against our best interest, they use the issue to stir our emotions in order to sucker us for our votes.

    Pro-Choice is Pro-Life

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