
What are your reasons for being pro-choice?

by Guest32864  |  earlier

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What sources of information did you use to come your conclusions?





  1. Life is not black and white. Things happen and it really should not be any of the government's business.  Aren't they in our lives enough already?

    It should be between a woman and her doctor.

    But the man should have more of a say as well in terms of child support, etc.

  2. I'm pro-choice because, what other women do with their own body  is nobodies business but their own.

  3. I only have one: What other women decide to do with their lives is none of my business, and it's none of yours, either.

  4. I don't know anyone else's life circumstances and I am not in a position to tell someone else what they have to do with their life, their body or their health.

    I do know that one third of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.  An abortion is simply a woman choosing what nature does all the time.

    Lastly, I have seen horrible situations where the parents involved never should have been allowed to be parents and I see children being raised in circumstances that ought never to happen, all because this society tries to put a shiney happy face on parenthood and a guilt trip on choosing not to bear children.  I suspect you have to get religious or philosophical about what happens if you aren't born or you die, and I have no intention of having that debate cause it's a no win proposition, but I believe that there are some people who shouldn't have been brought into the circumstances that they got.

  5. I don't believe in a society where we force people to do something. I personally would hate to get pregnant and give birth right now. In our world we don't yte have contraception that is 100%.

    The whole poibnt of veing pro choice, is the choice. That we don't stick our noses or force our views onto other people.

  6. I used all sources of information I could get on developement of fetus and development of human beings as a society  - libraries, medical books, the internet, to come to the conclusion that abortion is killing a human life and should be under the scrutiny of the judicial system

    I may not be prolife.  I have nothing against termination of human life when the judicial system of a society deem its okay to do that.  Like self defence, road accidents, mercy killing, capital punishment and so on.

    I am not pro-choice.  I dont agree that a single individual or a group of individuals (family) has a right to decide up on something as serious as terminating a human life.

  7. We all come from different cultures with diferent values and every woman is living in a different situation.  No body has the right to make decisions for another person.  Things always seem one way from the outside but only the person living knows exactly what is going on and they should make their own decisions.  Any other view is ignorant and selfish.

  8. Sorry, but I have no sources of information.  I can only give the thinking process behind this very personal decision.

    If I were to find myself in the position of being unwantedly pregnant, I would like to retain the ability to choose what I do with my body.  I am not irresponsible with sexual activity, and take all precautions, because I never want to be pregnant.  But if a method should fail, and I find myself in that situation, I would not like to be told how to live my life or have someone else decide what happens with my body.

    I am not a feminist, and it has nothing to do with women's rights, for me.  Its all about MY right to choose my own destiny...

  9. I find the idea of pregnancy and childbirth too awful for words - so I look to protect my own interests :-)

  10. personal reasons. i have seen  the damage that can be done forcing someone to have a child they don't want. no one should have that kind of control over someones body.

  11. The reason?... I believe in free will. That, and the fact I don't think a 2 months fetus is a person yet.

  12. The definition of Freedom. Is my source.  That and the thought that a human walk and breathing is more important/ should have more say/ have more rights then a "potential one"

    oh...well here   (both sides of the argument)

  13. Pro-choice is the right principle. Even the name 'pro-choice' shows that it's right.

    If you're 'anti-choice' that makes you a fascist.

  14. My reason is that its a womans body and her choice. Check out the countries where abortions are illegal..theyre 3rd world s*** holes. Wanna model our civilized society after them?

    also...lets worry about actual human beings that are here before we get too worked up over zygotes. Plenty of homeless and neglected people here in the US alone to take care of already. Lets help actual people before we put aside time and $$ for potential people. Good idea, yes?

  15. Because forcing another human being into choices she or he doesn't want when it comes to her or his own body is the ultimate in privacy invasion and utterly contrary to human rights.

  16. The choice of what a woman does with her body is hers and hers alone.

    I'm not saying I'm for abortion or against.  Personally I could never do that but I'm not the one who can make such a decision for another woman.

    For those who are anti-abortion, mind your own business.  The way the laws are now (laws are MAN made), it is not illegal to have an abortion.  If it is morally and ethically wrong then let GOD make the decision whether there will be punishment or not.

  17. Simple. I have no interest in dictating to anyone else what they should or should not do with their own body.

    I would never choose to have an abortion, but I don't deny others that choice.

  18. Their body their choice. It's that simple...

  19. The first time I started to look at abortion as a political issue, at around 11 or 12, I thought about the "cute baby" that was being "murdered". I didn't think it was acceptable.

    By seventh grade, when we learnt about the different stages of development, I started wondering why a simple zygote was referred to as a baby. Then I started researching on both sides of the debate. Pro-life arguments always revolved around what the bible said. I wondered: Are people so ignorant that they believe everyone is in sync with their beliefs? Then it angered me that some pro-lifers thought that abortion was OK in cases of rape, incest, or the mother's life being in danger. I wondered: If pro-lifers are about the sacredness of life, then why is the life of a fetus of a rape or incest somehow less valuable? If it is really about life, then how do they reach the conclusion of which life is more sacred, the mother's or baby's? As I was exposed to the sexism still prevalent in society and of the fact that 77% of anti-abortion people are men, I realized that being pro-"life" is only about controlling women's lives and bodies. It was about punishing women for commiting the horrible crime of having s*x.

    That year I was raped. I remember my frantic efforts to remove every scar the rape left behind. Then it hit me. I could have ended up pregnant. What would I do then? I mean, I couldn't bear to see a mark of that b*****d on me, how on earth would I ever be able to carry a living part of him in me? It hit me that there were random strangers who were for subjecting terrified rape victims to be stripped of dignity and sanity after they have been through horrible atrocities, just because they believed abortion was wrong.

    It was probably around this time that I realized that I have absolutely no right to dictate my opinions on someone else. There are many more factors that contributed as well, but this was probably the most eye-opening.

    Today I'm pro-choice because I'm not:

    -a pregant woman who cannot support a child at this stage in her life (highschool teenager, college student on loans, unstable job) but doesn't believe she could give up the baby once it was born.

    -pregnant outside marriage in a society (South-Asia, Middle-East, North-Africa) that will ridicule me (make me an outcast, deem me illegible to ever marry because I'm no longer a virgin)

    -a woman who is genuinely tokophobic (extreme fear of childbirth)

    -a woman who is on drugs and cannot do anything about being an addict

    -a woman who is in an abusive relationship and believes that a child will tie her to it forever

    -a woman who has just found out that she has a terminal illness that needs immediate treatment (chemotherapy for cancer)

    -a woman for whom carrying to term will risk her health and life (pre-eclampsia, toxoplasmosis)

    -a woman whose fetus has a horrible genetic defect that will render him/her "dependent" for life if he/she was born

    -a woman who is a victim of incest by a close relative (her own father or brother)

    -a woman who was brutally raped and doesn't want to have a living memory of this nightmare living in her for even a second

    And if I'm not in the shoes of these women, I have no right to tell them what to do.

  20. For two reasons:

    Evidence shows that there is no "fetal awareness" before 26 weeks. According to The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: “It is possible by direct means to identify the minimum stage of structural development that is necessary – but not that which is sufficient – to confer awareness upon the developing fetus. This minimum stage of development, with structural integration of peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brain stem, thalamus and, finally, the cerebral cortex, has not begun before 26 weeks’ gestation. [And] current mainstream professional guidance suggests that a fetus cannot begin to have the possibility of experiencing pain until after 26 weeks’ gestation. ”

    Secondly, because the consequences of abortion being illegal are much worse than the consequences of it being legal.

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